Decent Food and Drink and Faster Service At Parramatta Stadium

We the undersigned respectfully ask that the food and drink service at Parramatta Stadium be improved. We think it that the Mighty Parramatta Eels supporters deserve better than half hour waits for luke-warm chips and beer. Compared with other stadiums, Parramatta has the slowest and most inefficient service in the known universe, or at least compared with ANZ Stadium and the SFS. Not Good Enough these days. The stadium is losing money, because most people who attend matches regularly know that it is a waste of time to stand in line for beer or chips, and consequently drink water and eat at the Leagues club or North Parra Maccas after the game. Many are deterred by the site of lines 10-20 deep, moving at a pace that is slower than glacial. We go to the footy to watch the footy, no one wants to queue for half an hour and miss any of the action from the Mighty Eels. Serve some decent food, and reduce the queuing time- and make your fans happy please!