Justice for John David!!! The person who hit him was speeding!! Speed bumps placed on Stoney Fork Road and the side roads

As a parent who lives on Stoney Fork I have watched vehicles go flying down the road with no regard to our children playing not the signs the county put up because they seem to have thought that would put a stop to them speeding and in the past 4 years one child got hit but thank God she was ok and just yesterday on 08/09/2020 another child was hit and unfortunately did have injuries. Witnesses say that the driver was flying and yes they did pass a children at play sign with a 20 mph speed limit!! What is it gonna take for the county to do something? A child’s life? My child? Your child? We need to as a community and as parents request speed bumps!! This will be the only way to slow them down!!! We get enough signatures and I will take it to our local government! Also nothing was done to this girl who hit John David!! He deserves justice!!