Speed bumps for James Moore Cir Hilton NY 14468
Colleen Christ 0

Speed bumps for James Moore Cir Hilton NY 14468

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Colleen Christ 0 Comments
19 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Despite the speed limit signs posted in the area, traffic continues to speed in the neighborhood. As of a count this morning there are currently 64 children living in this neighborhood. Mostly under the age of 12. Many under the age 7 that still may not be aware of their surroundings when playing outdoors. They ride their bikes, powewheels and scooters, play baseball and basketball all in the area near our road. At any moment a child, ball, scooter, powewheels or bike could drift unexpectedly into the road. We need to slow the traffic down. The speed limit posted is to high for our street and there are no signs posted for children at play. Please sign this petition so that we may take it to the Town Board to try for approval for speed bumps to be installed.

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