Speed bump removal CSUMB
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Help to remove the speed bumps at CSUMB
For:Speed humps help to promote safe driving on campus. Most students are still in their early years of life and cannot be trusted to operate a motor vehicle at a safe speed in a public area. By putting speed every hundred feet students are forced to slow down to near zero, this ensures that cars are going at or below the speed limit. The school is in the process of make CSUMB a more pedestrian friendly campus, and as a direct result there will be more pedestrians. More pedestrians means greater likelihood of accidents. In order to ensure the safety of the student body, the average car speed on campus had to be lowered and speed humps were both the most effective and cost efficient way of achieving this.
The speed bumps also act as a deturrent for people looking for a short cut through CSUMB. The bumps make it more timely to drime through CSUMB than around it.The easiest way to make CSUMB apedestrian friendly campus is to reduce the number of cars, and making the road nigh unusable for anyone with a destination and time frame is a great way to do so.
Against: Speed humps promote dangerous driving, they can damage the cars that drive over them andthey open CSUMB up to numerous law suits.
Many a car has veered off the road and driven in the gutter to get around the hump. it happens so often that it has become commonplace. Many safety problems arise with this, chief among them is that skateboarders on campus often skate down the gutter. The speed humps actually cause people to leave the designated driving space and drive in areas where it is common for pedestrians to be. While it is not legal to drive in the gutter, it still happens and the speed humps are the cause of it. CSUMB should be trying to promote the general safety of the campus. Speed bumps do not, speed bumps present a clear and present danger to pedestrians of CSUMB.
Speed humps damage the suspension of the cars that drive over them. While a car that just passes through the campus will probably experience little to no wear, the cars left on campus that have to deal with the day to day strain the humps put on the suspension will likely experience costly amounts of damage.
Speed bumps do not only present a physical danger to the students they present a legal danger to the school. Cars at CSUMB are forced to drive over the bumps. If a car, because of the damage caused by the bumps, breaks, the school will be liable. The bumps were designed for non residential areas. The bumps are designed to be driving over once or twice by any single car. Cars at CSUMB will drive over thousands of bumps during their stay. Class action law suits were designed for just such ascenario. It would take just one student to start a class action lawsuit that could cost the school hundreds of thousands.
The school campus is supposedly eco-friendly, but with the speed humps, the drivers often speed up and then slow down for every bump, wasting gas at the same time. Also with the humps, the buses that go through campus every hour must go over them, at times, causing the bus to be late because when in a bus, everything is less secure compared to a car.
The speed bumps at CSUMB are a costly liability that present a clear and present danger to the pedestrians of CSUMB.
Reality:The speed bumps do slow down cars on campus, but they also pose a great danger to pedestrians on campus. The bumps actively cause drivers to go off roading in high traffic (car and pedestrian) areas.
The speed bumps also act as a deturrent for people looking for a short cut through CSUMB. The bumps make it more timely to drime through CSUMB than around it.The easiest way to make CSUMB apedestrian friendly campus is to reduce the number of cars, and making the road nigh unusable for anyone with a destination and time frame is a great way to do so.
Against: Speed humps promote dangerous driving, they can damage the cars that drive over them andthey open CSUMB up to numerous law suits.
Many a car has veered off the road and driven in the gutter to get around the hump. it happens so often that it has become commonplace. Many safety problems arise with this, chief among them is that skateboarders on campus often skate down the gutter. The speed humps actually cause people to leave the designated driving space and drive in areas where it is common for pedestrians to be. While it is not legal to drive in the gutter, it still happens and the speed humps are the cause of it. CSUMB should be trying to promote the general safety of the campus. Speed bumps do not, speed bumps present a clear and present danger to pedestrians of CSUMB.
Speed humps damage the suspension of the cars that drive over them. While a car that just passes through the campus will probably experience little to no wear, the cars left on campus that have to deal with the day to day strain the humps put on the suspension will likely experience costly amounts of damage.
Speed bumps do not only present a physical danger to the students they present a legal danger to the school. Cars at CSUMB are forced to drive over the bumps. If a car, because of the damage caused by the bumps, breaks, the school will be liable. The bumps were designed for non residential areas. The bumps are designed to be driving over once or twice by any single car. Cars at CSUMB will drive over thousands of bumps during their stay. Class action law suits were designed for just such ascenario. It would take just one student to start a class action lawsuit that could cost the school hundreds of thousands.
The school campus is supposedly eco-friendly, but with the speed humps, the drivers often speed up and then slow down for every bump, wasting gas at the same time. Also with the humps, the buses that go through campus every hour must go over them, at times, causing the bus to be late because when in a bus, everything is less secure compared to a car.
The speed bumps at CSUMB are a costly liability that present a clear and present danger to the pedestrians of CSUMB.
Reality:The speed bumps do slow down cars on campus, but they also pose a great danger to pedestrians on campus. The bumps actively cause drivers to go off roading in high traffic (car and pedestrian) areas.