Speed Bump Petition for School Street, between Summer and Somerville Avenue

School Street (between Summer and Somerville Ave) is a one way, high traffic section within a community with numerous families and many children. There are single family homes, multiple condos and complexes within this section. There is two sided parking on this block which receives bikers in both directions. There is a school less than a block away, three early childcare schools within one half mile, and three park/playgrounds within a 1/2 mile. There is also a Market Basket at the end of School Street. Therefore this section of School Street receives a high volume of pedestrian traffic from people shopping, carrying groceries, children walking from school, residential traffic, bikers, scooters, etc. Because the traffic area of School Street is steep and hilly the majority of traffic coming down the hill and into this block are normally speeders. The terrain of the street advocates for speeding even though there is a traffic light at Summer/School Sts, especially when that traffic light is green. Many speeders do not yield to the pedestrians and there have been several incidences that have placed many in the community at danger. We continue to be concerned for the safety of our children and residents. We are therefore respectfully requesting the immediate installation of a speed bump within this area block.