Based on the efforts of this petition, Delta Institute International Ltd. has agreed to provide a limited "special Purpose" Membership only to qualified and pre-approved Petitioners.
The Cost of the Special Purpose Membership is $5,500
1. Delta is only providing this group a onetime offer via a Special Purpose Membership to participate in a 12 month Lyme's case study.
2. The deadline for this is March 31, 2014. If there isnt a minimum of 25 signed petitioners, then the minimum of $5,500 may be raised in order to cover the cost, or the special purpose is not getting final approval for the lack of demand.
3. The minimum attendees is set at 25, and the maximum is set at 100
4. The $5,500 is paid via International Wire payment in order to comply with AML (Anti-money-Laundering laws) Deltas accounting department will coordinate the payment procedures and each participant will have to agree and follow a "transaction specific" wire instruction. Each transaction will have a unique reference number in order to pass AML compliance.
5. The Delta Institute does not accept credit card payments.
6. Delta does not allow for anyone to promote this Special Purpose Membership on Facebook or any other social media.
7. You may promote this petition itself and the purpose of the petition, but not Delta, its programs, logos, images, and or the discounted Special Purpose Membership.
a.Must be a Referral, such as via; other members, clinical affiliates, friends, family, physicians, oncologists, physicians, Delta websites, Delta viral media, public relations, social networks and web portals, etc.
b.Must agree and comply with all membership terms and conditions.
c.Must have access to a device with internet service in order to access the Delta Institute website(s) and back office member portal (this can also be accomplished via family or close friend advocate).
d.Must possess appropriate mindset towards self-treatment protocols.
e.Must possess financial capability.
f.Must possess family or close friend advocate support.
g.Must possess positive attitude towards research, learning and education.
You can watch testimonials regarding the product at the following website pages:
If interested in the Special Purpose Membership please:
1. Sign the Petition
2. Email your name, current email address and phone number to Randy Garvin at
3. Contact Brett Hultberg, Stacey Dana Price or Randy Garvin if you have any questions regarding the Special Purpose Membership.