The funding cuts petition for UK

We are parents, family and friends of disabled children within the UK We understand that the following proposed cuts:-
Aiming high fund is being stopped and replaced by Early Intervention Grant (EIG) which isnt as much as the AHDC!
We are also experiencing funding cuts of special needs schools, the transport funding is being hit. Children are not always being sent to appropiate schools due to the travel costs even though they are suitable for that school.
Disability Living Allowance - Reform
In the June budget, the Coalition government announced its intention to review Disability Living Allowance (DLA) by introducing an “objective medical assessment” and revised eligibility criteria. Although not made explicit, it seems clear that these revised criteria would make DLA more difficult to qualify for - since the budget costings proposed saving over £1 billion as a result of DLA reform.
In December 2010 the government published its proposals for reforming DLA and is currently consulting on them. The consultation applies to Scotland, Wales and England with a deadline of 14th February. DLA will be replaced by PIP for new claims in April 2013. The government also proposes that during 2013/14 it will start a programme of re-assessing pre-existing DLA claimants under the new PIP rules.
Having these changed and funding cuts happening will affect our children by not being able to have short breaks, holidays etc..
Us as parents rely on DLA and the carers allowance, PIP means alot of us wont qualify anymore.
Please add your name, address and lend your support to our cause so that together we can try to save these services which mean so much to our disabled children and young people within the UK