Release the alleged evidence to Chief Webster and Lt Shear so they can properly defend themselves against allegations made by Lowell Johnson

On Friday, January 21st Wayne City Administrator Lowell Johnson, through a Lincoln attorney, asked Wayne Police Chief Lance Webster and Lt. Shear for their resignations. Both men were offered a severance package with the caveat that they would be prohibited from talking about the events surrounding the request. Both Chief Webster and Lt. Shear were threatened with public disclosure of the allegations and formal disciplinary action if they refused to accept the severance package. Because these men both felt the charges were capricious, retaliatory and without merit they chose to follow the advice of their attorneys and ask for substantiation of the charges. On Thursday, February 17th Wayne City Administrator Lowell Johnson served Chief Webster and Lt. Shear with notice that they were being placed on administrative leave effective immediately and both were given a list of alleged violations. Mr. Johnson as he threatened, released this information to the press, thereby tainting both men's reputations and causing great stress and anguish to them, their families and their friends. To date, MARCH 2ND, 2011, Mr. Johnson has not given either man any evidence to support these potentially libelous and slanderous claims. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION ASKING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL REQUIRE MR. JOHNSON TO ABIDE BY THE LAW AND PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION TO THE ACCUSED.