Petition for My Bloody Valentine Uncut dvd

I know a lot of fans have really been looking forward to getting the full uncut version of this film but we\'ve never had it . For years all we\'ve had was just the censored the disc. The film\'s producer John Dunning has shown interest in releasing an unrated disc of the film. First off the current disc is a real disgrace to the film itself. Especially in a time where almost all of our horror classics are released unrated and edited. The disc has to be improved and with a remake coming out soon you know a lot of fans will want to see the original. What\'s better than seeing the film in it\'s original unedited form Tv spot for MY BLOODY VALENTINE : http://youtube.com/watchv=C0E31IJZZpo Plus here\'s the unrated trailer for another slasher film classic If you haven\'t seen it, \"MANIAC\" : http://youtube.com/watchv=cOIBa4UKNhc