Save Student Common Space

The University is in the process of seizing student space located near the guild, that consists of the 8ball computer recycling program and 2 club rooms. By taking away these rooms, the nationally acclaimed computer recycling program will effectively be shut down, as we have no space currently large enough to accommodate the program elsewhere. Similarly valuable student common space will be lost. We have tried negotiating for alternative space with the university, but the university has refused to provide alternative space. They say there is no alternative space available on campus. For more information or to offer support contact the Murdoch Education Vice-President evp@guild.murdoch.edu.au *Update 12/12/07 The University is now willing to knock down a wall so 8ball can relocate into the rooms currently used by the Environmental Collective and as an 8ball store room. This will mean a downsizing of the program. No word on alternative common room space. Thank you to all who signed the petition. Update 13/12/2007 Media Conference with speakers from NTEU and Oxfam confirmed 10:00 14th Friday Guild Building, please attend if you can.