We Refuse To Surrender Our Sovereignty
Mr. President and Congressional Representatives, Our founding fathers sacrificed life, fortune and sacred honour for Liberty and Freedom, of which I and my fellow American Citizens, are the beneficiaries and guardians of Liberty and Freedom. The Constitution for the united states of America is the very document which protects and secures Liberty and Freedom for our Nation's Posterity. The Constitution for the united states of America charges the American Citizens with the responsibility to defend, protect and preserve Liberty and Freedom. And it's the Citizens which are the guardians of Liberty and Freedom, and our Sovereignty is the armor in which we, the American Citizens, combat the destructive forces to defend, protect and preserve Liberty and Freedom. The responsibility to defend, protect and preserve Liberty and Freedom is passed on from generation to generation...each -in turn- defending, protecting and preserving Liberty and Freedom for future generations. You, our representatives, are failing to uphold your oath of office, and the Constitution for the united states of America is at risk of being lost. You, our representatives, are charged with the responsibility, to the American People, to defend and protect the Constitution for the united states from both foreign and domestic enemies. And you, our representatives, are, and have been, derelict in your duty to defend and protect the Constitution for the united states of America. You, our representatives, are pursuing endeavors destructive to not only our Nation's Sovereignty, but are destructive to America and her Citizens. It is therefore incumbent upon me, and my fellow American Citizens, to remind you, our representatives, it is the American Citizens which are the beneficiaries of Liberty and Freedom, which the Constitution for the united states of America protects and secures. You, our representatives, are only the guards at the gate to protect that very document...the Constitution for the united states of America. Mr. President and Congress... The Constitution for the united states of America does not enumerate to the government the authority to enter into agreements with foreign nations or global entities, foreign or domestic, where the Citizens, the State's or our Nation's Sovereignty is diminished, relinquished or surrendered. No Constitutional authority enumerates to the government, the Citizens, the State's or the Nation's Sovereignty...and no authorization has been granted by the American Citizens to the government through explicit consent regarding the Citizens, the State's or our Nation's Sovereignty. Mr. President and Congress... Current implications, Mr. President, is your intentions to sign a treaty with foreign nations and global entities, which has stipulations within the treaty relinquishing or surrendering the Citizens, the State's and our Nation's Sovereignty over to global government powers. This, Mr. President, is an act of treason in the highest form. Just in the thought of destroying, or conspiracy to destroy, the very foundation of the Constitution for the united states of America is considered treason...not to speak of the treasonous act in violating the sacred oath you, Mr. President, swore to, before America and God. You are representatives of the American People, not rulers or dictators. Neither the President or Congress may enter into agreements where the Citizens, the State's or our Nation's Sovereignty could be diminished, relinquished or surrendered without the explicit consent of the American Citizens. Until the majority of the Citizens, being three-quarter of the American Citizens in accordance to the Constitution for the united states of America Amendment Process, grants to the government the authority through explicit consent to relinquish or surrender the Citizens, the State's or our Nation's Sovereignty...endeavors by the government which detrimentally effect the Citizens, the State's or the Nation's Sovereignty or Liberty and Freedom will be deemed an act of treason on the part of any representatives involved...directly or indirectly. WE THE PEOPLE have not, and do not, authorize any branch of our government the power to enter into any agreement, whether domestic or foreign, which involves the diminishing, relinquishing or surrender of the Citizens, the State's or our Nation's Sovereignty. WE THE PEOPLE will remind you, our representatives, of your oath to defend and protect the Constitution for the united states of America. Treason is the charge for violating that sacred oath of office to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States...and treason will be the charge to answer to if any representative of the PEOPLE fails to uphold that sacred oath of office to defend and protect the Constitution for the united states of America. WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT RELINQUISH OUR SOVEREIGNTY! I, Frederick Eugene Schaffner, a Natural-Born Citizen of the United States, execute this petition on the 25th day of the 10th month of 2009 in the year of our Lord. This petition will remain open for signatures to the American Citizens. Evaluate this serious circumstance, and make a decision of whether to sign this petition or not. I respect the rights of others to not agree with me on issues...this is the basic right protected by the Constitution for the united states of America. But I will share this...this President will surrender our nation's sovereignty over to a global government without hesitation if we don't come together in massive numbers and make it known we will not go quietly into the night. Seriously debate this issue within yourself and truly realize your decision comes down to one of two sides regarding our Nation, State's and Citizens Sovereignty... Either you're willing to stand up and speak out to retain our sovereignty, which is the key to defending, protecting and preserving our Liberty and Freedom. Or you don't stand up and speak out and we lose our sovereignty, which will take serious actions to regain. Banding together to make it known there's a majority out here refusing to give up our sovereignty will not work once it's lost. November 25, 2009 I will be sending this statement/petition to the White House c/o the President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The statement/petition will remain open for Americans to place their signature upon this statement and make known to our government their stand regarding our Nation's, States and Citizens Sovereignty May GOD guide you in your decision... God Bless, Frederick Schaffner 507 Main Street Nocona, Texas 76255
(Nov. 26, 2009) Statement being prepared for mailing. Statement will remain open for signatures.
(Dec. 18, 2009) US Postal Service responded to my inquiry regarding delivery receipts. Unable to locate letter delivery receipts.
[Requested search]
(Dec. 23, 2009) US Postal Service responded to my search request. Documents considered lost.
(Dec. 24, 2009) Preparing Statement/Petition for second delivery attempt. Multiple delivery methods being utilized.