Sovereignty Now!!!!

ATTN: The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA), any and all Eurasian United States persons, any and all substantial United States owner, any and all Government agents of The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, any and all persons or owners of GREAT BRITAIN and The UNTIED KINGDOM, any and all persons and owners of the VATICAN, the said Sovereign person known as, Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second and all affirmed and non-affirmed titles mentioned and unmentioned , by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Queen, Defender of the Faith, Duchess of Edinburgh, Countess of Merioneth, Baroness Greenwich, Duke of Lancaster, Lord of Mann, Duke of Normandy, Sovereign of the Most Honourable Order of the Garter, Sovereign of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Sovereign of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Sovereign of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, Sovereign of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Sovereign of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Sovereign of the Distinguished Service Order, Sovereign of the Imperial Service Order, Sovereign of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Sovereign of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Sovereign of the Order of British India, Sovereign of the Indian Order of Merit, Sovereign of the Order of Burma, Sovereign of the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert, Sovereign of the Royal Family Order of King Edward VII, Sovereign of the Order of Merit, Sovereign of the Order of the Companions of Honour, Sovereign of the Royal Victorian Order, Sovereign of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and any and all under the jurisdiction of the aforementioned parties and Allies, including and not limited to i.e., designated "American Indians and Alaska Natives" under the Bureau of Indian Affairs who are of Eurasian Descent in The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
You are all parties to the Genocide of the (Nation), Descendants of Black Americans who are defined as, labeled or called by the following appellations and names, and not limited to the following: West Indians, Caribs, Moors, Slaves, Maroons, Free Negroes, Freedmen, Negroes, Colored, Guinea Negroes, African Slaves, Black and African-Americans. The aforementioned appellations and names collectively represent the First People of Abya Yala, And Descendants of the Original People of the Planet Earth who come from the continent presently referred to as 'Africa'.
We Declare, as of November 01, 2016, our Sovereignty and Immunity from any and all aforementioned guilty parties who have committed acts of genocide against our people, and continue to commit acts of genocide against our people and denial of our independence, denial of land and property, enforced systematic incarceration and impoverishment, redlining, contaminating the land, air and water in our communities, and deprivation of our Indigenous history and culture in our lands, which are colonially occupied by The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BRITAIN, The UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, SPAIN, and other Eurasian Nations.
We shall not conform to any pressure, rules, or laws of the aforementioned parties charged with Genocide, as it pertains to this signed renunciation, AND we will disregard any efforts designed to thwart, impede or dissuade our decision to live as the inherently Independent and Sovereign people that we are and forever will be for eternity.
The Constitution of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and Jurisdictional Constitutions, is hereby, from the day of November 01, 2016, Null and Void in relation to the Descendants of Black Americans, as The UNITED STATES of AMERICA, has destroyed the independence and Human quality of life of the Black American by being a Tyrannical Force to our people.
We, DECLARE, ourselves to be SOVEREIGN And IMMUNE, Natural Persons, Free and Independent, from all aforementioned and unmentioned colonial parties of, but not limited to, their Constitutional Laws, Common Laws, Commercial Law, Maritime Law, International Law, Judicial Law, Military Law, and any other laws designed or Ratified by the following: The UNITED STATES of AMERICA and any and all of its Jurisdictions, GREAT BRITAIN/UNITED KINGDOM/the Queen of England and aforementioned titles and any and all of its/her Jurisdictions, the VATICAN and any all of its Jurisdictions, the aforementioned guilty parties, and any and all of its Agencies, Allies, Financial Institutions, Militias known and unknown, Land Management, and any other form of imposition through colonialism and actions of the aforementioned guilty parties of Genocide.
I, _____________________________________, as of this date of, November 01, 2016, Affirm without coercion, threats or intimidation to my natural person that the following is true and with intent, and I hereby Renounce the coercive title and forced allegiance of US Citizenship and Citizenship to any and all of the aforementioned Guilty Parties of Genocide.
I, ____________________________________, affirm I am in sound mind and body, with full intent to renounce my Citizenship of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and any and all of the aforementioned parties. As I am, a (Nation), Descendant of Black Americans who are defined as, labeled or called by the following appellations and names, and not limited to the following: West Indians, Caribs, Moors, Slaves, Maroons, Free Negroes, Freedmen, Negro, Colored, Guinea Negroes, African Slaves, Black and African-Americans. The aforementioned appellations and names collectively represent the First People of Abya Yala And Descendants of the Original People of the Planet Earth who come from the continent presently referred to as 'Africa', and I have been denied through coercion and force, the Human right to my own Indigenous identity and independent way of life within my people’s land that is colonially occupied by GREAT BRITAIN, Eurasian Nations, and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
I do hereby declare, I am a Natural Person, and a Natural Person of the Sovereign Community of people known as, the (Nation), Descendants of Black Americans and the aforementioned appellations and names collectively represent the First People of Abya Yala And Descendants of the Original People of the Planet Earth, who come from the continent presently referred to as 'Africa', hereby, ASSERT OUR CLAIM to OUR HOME, Abya Yala, which is partly and currently colonized and renamed as the United States of America, As we Charge and Convict, any and all, but not limited to, descendants, agents and alllies, of the aforementioned guilty parties with Genocide.
Printed Name: ______________________________________ DOB________________
Parent or Guardian of any child/disables person under 18 years old