Mistreated Animals in South East Asia
I recently visited Quirky Saigon, a 'theme park' in Saigon Vietnam (www.damsenpark.com.vn/). At the back of the park I discovered this (please see attached video - monkeys chained in cages, bears with little room to move already showing repetitive behaviours and elephants chained by their feet). I learned about this parks whereabouts from page 871 of the Lonely Planet South East Asia Guidebook. On this page it is noted that tourists should avoid the back of the park because there is a pair of elephants there, as you can see from the video, there is more than that. Simply telling people to avoid things they might find distasteful serves no purpose and merely lines the park owners pockets with tourists money that could be better spent elsewhere. The Lonely plant is like a travellers Bible, it has the capacity to dictate where people go and more importantly where and how they spend their money, for this reason I would ask you to sign this petition requesting that the Lonely Planet remove any further advertisements for Dam Sem Park from future editions.