Calvin Lekivetz 0

South Sask CPA Support Petition

Calvin Lekivetz 0 Comments
67 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Thanks to everyone that signed our petition. We have forwarded the signatures to the APA for their consideration. Hope to hear back from them in the near future.

We the undersigned, as active members of the CPA, petition the American Pool Association to reverse their decision to revoke the South Sask CPA Franchise rights from Kim and Sheila Tiszauer.

The South Sask CPA is a very challenging market in which to grow a pool league. There are no pool halls within the City of Regina, and only limited individual coin operated tables in select beverage rooms across the province. This lack of available tables, combined with competition from other established pool leagues adds to the challenge in achieving growth in this market.

Kim and Sheila have done an excellent job of growing the South Sask CPA league. They are big promoters of the CPA and are the reason that our league has survived some tough times and is continuing to grow. Without their commitment to the CPA and its membership, it is very likely that there would be no CPA presence in our province. Evidence of their success can be seen in several fronts including:

-Increase in the number of active CPA members since Kim and Sheila took over the league

-Introduction of a CPA Masters League

-Introduction of a CPA Scotch Doubles League

-Introduction of a CPA Ladies League

-Many CPA members that previously only played once per week are now playing 2 or 3 times per week in different CPA formats.

We the undersigned believe that Kim and Sheila Tiszauer are the right people to be running the South Sask CPA Pool League. As CPA members, they have our full support and confidence. We request that Kim, and Sheila be granted permanent franchisee ownership status for the South Sask CPA Pool League.

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