Save Our Synagogue , Keep Our Rabbi

BethEl the Beaches Synagogue has been the spiritual and social center of so many people - Jews, as well as, non-Jews - in Jacksonville and the Beaches. In addition to that, Rabbi and Leah (rebbitzin) BenYehuda have been caring, supportive leaders for this congregation. And a portion of this congregation are here primarily because of them and their welcoming nature. For our synagogue and our Rabbi/Rebbitzin we are thankful. We the undersigned members, associates and workers of BethEl at the Beaches Synagogue are saddened by the way in which the Board has conducted itself in the name of bringing about what they deem as a positive change to engender growth and generate funds for this community. Their methods have produced very caustic or divisive solutions from terminating the Rabbi\'s contract to changing our Jewish religious affiliation. These are surely not exhaustive and seem to be extrememly short(near)-sighted. We believe that there are far more constructive, creative and inclusive ways to heal our dilemma. We will not stand idly by and allow a determined minority to strain our congregation\'s already fragile welfare. We realize that if Rabbi and Leah were to leave and/or our affiliation changed, there would be an exodus of individuals and families which would have the opposite effect than what is needed to bring resolutions. Some have already left! We, therefore, request that the board either find other means by which to resolve these problems or consider the possibility of resignation. Please check out the links listed to the right for info and insight. This petition will be presented to the board at their May meeting prior to the congregational meeting TBA for sometime at the end of May. I genuinely hope that ALL members will be present.