Save Our Services - Wairau Hospital

To ensure the sustained safety of Marlborough Patients:- We, the undersigned, petition the Minister of Health Hon Tony Ryall to instruct the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board to retain the provision of acute surgical services at Wairau Hospital, Blenheim, on a 24 hour per day, 7 days a week basis.
(Please be aware that one of the next pages is for donations for using this website - not for Save Our Services. Don't feel pressured into giving a donation.)
www.facebook.com/voiceofmarlborough A facebook page to help Marlburians have a say in their community.
There is a facebook group called "Hands off Wairau Hospital Services". To find this go to www.facebook.com and in the search bar type in the group name and when you find the right page up the top right hand corner is where you join. You have to be approved to join the group.