Sora from Kingdom Hearts for Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

This petition is for the inclusion of Sora, from the Kingdom Hearts series, to be included in the crossover video game, Playstation All-stars Battle Royale. The game's purpose is to mesh characters who are rich to Playstation's history into a fighting game. Kingdom Hearts is a key franchise to Playstation's history. The first game was released in 2002 and to this day in 2012, the series still thrive with many sequels which is a feat not many game franchises can do. The series has multiple merchandise like collectible figures and Limited Edition 3DS that literally sold out in a matter of seconds, making many wait a few weeks until they made more. Many fans impatiently wait for Kingdom Hearts 3 to release on the Playstation console. Both Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 are labeled under the "Greatest Hits" of the Playstation 2. It is considered to be one of the best titles the console has to offer and is the ninth best-selling video game ever for the PS2. We want to see Sora represented in this game because we fans would like to play as him and see him recognized as a key character in the PS2 era of popular video games. Fans are okay with Sora being a DLC charatcer also, as long as he is in the game.