Sonic X Uncut on DVD

This petition is for all of those who are fans of Sonic the Hedgehog, and dislike what 4Kids has done to Sonic X. After all, I\'m sure many of those who watched at least one episode are at least a bit disgusted with all the changes made. They say the targets are 6-11 year olds. They probably don\'t know that people those ages don\'t even know of Sonic, and if they do, very little would care. They make this look like a show for 4-6 year olds. Some changes they made include the joke Sonic said in episode 1 \"Kids don\'t stand on moving vehicles,\" the intro music and scene, or the friendship bracelet Amy made to a \"Lucky Charm\" and even taking out the times one would call another an idiot. One more would be changing Eggman\'s two robots\' voices to actually sounding like robots. I am sure many others like myself can understand that 4Kids has changed bits here and there to be suitable for all ages, but if they\'d look around, they\'d notice both 1: Most kids in their age group watch and act like they\'re in a PG13 movie and 2: Many shows meant for all ages already have scenes that seem to be PG-13 rated. So I would wish that 4Kids release Episodes on DVD and Uncut so that everyone is happy. They don\'t need to stop dubbing like they do, but more people can be happy and they can get more veiwers (WAY more) if they have the episodes on DVD with the same music, scenes, and dialog (dialog being translated of course) as in the original. If they do at least that, I and many others will be very pleased.