No to Three Weekly Bin Collections in Somerset - Somerset County Council reconsider the plans before they start in Autumn 2017

THREE WEEKLY bin collections are being introduced by Somerset County Council.
From Autumn this year some Somerset households will have their wheelie bins emptied just once every three weeks and the scheme will be rolled out throughout the whole of Somerset over the coming years.
That's THREE weeks with your black bin rubbish stored at your home before it's collected.
Having our black bin rubbish collected less frequently is not a nice thought for most people, especially in warmer weather, but some groups of people are going to suffer more than others:
- Residents in smaller houses and those in flats do not have storage space for three weeks of waste.
- Families with children using disposable nappies will have used nappies in and around a home for THREE WEEKS.
- Larger families are already finding it difficult to manage with the TWO WEEKLY collection, some resorting to taking extra rubbish to the tip or piling up extra black bags near their wheelie bin. The THREE weekly collection will compound their problem.
The plan to increase recycling and reduce rubbish going into landfill are welcome, but THREE Weekly bin collections, without special help for the groups mentioned above are going to cause hardship, a potential risk to public health and an increase in fly-tipping.
Somerset County Council - please reconsider your plans and work with the community to find solutions that will help those most adversely affected.