Some Serious changes need to be made for the KTLA MORNING news weekend edition GET RID OF LYNETTE ROMERO And REPLACE HER with Wendy Burch, Lauren L.

HI New General Manager/President Janene Drafs, HR/OP Matt, New News Director Peter S, Nextstartv, CWnetwork,
I am requesting that my name and email remain anonymous for privacy reasons Thank you.... She cannot search neither can her collleagues cannot search for me on social media or try to have me investigated by a private investigater, or cannot repeal this petition. She cannot sue the petitioner or take this petition to an type of higher court.....* She needs to get out of the restaurant industry and the news industry. She cannot write in a book telling her so called weight loss stories or appear on TV shows etc. Or do any type of movies... She cannot go to any sporting events. No one can be in touch with her after she leaves KTLA period... You need to replace her with Wendy burch or Lauren lyster, or find someone who is willing NOT to be RUDE to viewers on social media that includes haters/trolls as well.
Please keep her on through 7 am til 3pm through out the midday/afternoon shifts permanently.(Lynette's colleagues along with her viewers cannot ask anything on her social media accounts or text her to ask who complained or who it was in order to discuss it on air or off air..She cannot discuss this on air or off air or on her social media pages. She has lost me as a viewer and also have LOST MY RESPECT for her as well. I HAVE NO PLANS on waiting to meet her in person while out in the field period.If she can't take negative feedback/real raw honesty for viewers than LYNETTE does NOT belong in the news industry, Restaurant industry/owning a restaurant, entertainment industry, radio industry, podcast industry etc.*She needs to deaactivate all her social media pages as of today. She cannot have any social media to interact with her viewers or colleagues with her being so damn rude. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CP_tVXKn7Gz/?utm_medi... She was RUDE and disrespectful when I commented on her IG live video that lynette had posted on instagram I told her I was honest in her LIVE IG live feed and telling others if anyone wants to do IF consult with your Doctor and they have to monitor you for 2 weeks and slowly introduce you back to foods. It was nothing bad. Lynettes reply will be seen in this instagram link. I have restricted her from trying to reply to me on instagram and muted her on twitter.) You need to suspend her asap as of tonight. please contact her and let her know that she is NOT allowed on social media or have any permanent contact with her viewers and colleagues this includes when she get's terminated as well. No One is allowed to stay in touch with her this includes current colleagues and former colleagues and viewers as well. She NEVER used to be RUDE To any viewers on social media when news legend Chris burrous was still with us.*You need to get someone who will NOT be rude to viewers on social media or try to call them out. NO viewers cannot do a petition to get lynette back on ktla 5 news casts. she needs to issue an apologize to me and she will know who I am. Her colleagues and viewers cannot question her or ask her on her social media or on air or off air period. They cannot text her to ask her what's wrong or who complained it's one of their business. NO more of lynette getting up at 1:30 am or 2:30 to be live at 4 am til it ends at 11 am. ONLY if Megan henderson, Ginger chan, Jessica are on vacations requests off/sick for her to fill in for her colleagues on the weekday edition. No more KTLAtalktous it should be pulled from the ktla morning news weekend edition permanently this includes the viewers meeting them out in the field.* No more viewers coming up to the news van to take a picture to show on air during the weekend news casts.*You need to make some serious changes by pulling her off the ktla morning news weekend edition and KTLA morning news weekday edition and put her on from 7 am til your midday/afternoon when it ends at 3pm or put her on prime time news casts hours permanently on some days she works.* She can only fill in for Jessica, Megan henderson when they are off, sick, requests off or on vacations this includes ginger chan as well for traffic. a male viewer said cops got pulled from the tube and all they do is show bad tiktok videos now that needs to stop and be banned from all ktla news casts unless its a homemade remedies/hacks only, or a toddler, dogs, cats do something cute ONLY.** Lynette needs to be told NOT to promote her restaurant Morrisson in burbank that is a conflict of interest at the station.-If Lynette wants to pursue more of the restaurant industry than she needs to leave ktla for good.
Whoever owns a restaurant, other retail businesses, clothing lines, cosmetic lines should NOT be able to be allowed to promote it.-This goes for their personal friends that own businesses like restaurants, all Charity foundations, salons, clothing lines etc. NOT unless the station wants to promote it from someone else.*They NEED to cut the 2 min or 3 minute chit chat and the begining of the news casts and start with the news... Lynette kept rambling on and on. These Executive producer and producer should of had her to change to a more professional outfit/shirt. Just because she lost weight doesn't mean lynette needs to dress or start dressing like a slut. Lynette shouldn't be able to promote her restaurant Morrisons on any ktlas news casts especially the ktla morning news weekend edition and the ktla morning news casts. lynette needs to be TOLD and be banned from wearing all things brown even if it's light/nude colors/brown leopard dress/shirts/long sleeve shirts in different colors that has been banned for decades for wearing the color brown on air. IF lynette is caught wearing something that is NOT on air appropriate than it needs to be banned and take into affect all her alter tops dresses/shirts, all her leopard dresses/color T-shirts long sleeve shirts/brown colors, all her tank top dresses that show cleavage, all her off the shoulder shirts/long sleeves, all jumpsuits, all her long sleeve shirts/T-shirts that show cleavage, all dresses that have slits in them, all skirts that have slits in them, all her see through shirts/dresses with laces and T-shirts/long sleeve shirts, all her leather black pants etc. Just because she lost weight she needs to cover up the boobs. She needs to stop acting like snob and being rude to viewers on social media. She needs to stop modeling her dresses and high heel shoes on social media and needs to stop sticking her hip out. Nothing was done to correct this as usual. I remember 2 news legends Eric Spillman and Sam have said BROWN and all color brown is a FORBIDDEN COLOR to be worn on air and it has been banned for decades.**She cannot discuss this on air or off air or through texting any of their colleagues,GF, BF, personal friends, Cousins, parents/family etc. NO MORE zooming with viewers to stretch its favortism and it needs to stop NOW! Viewers are complaining that they favor their viewers who follow them on social media and their pictures of KTLAtotalkus… YOU need to have a one one meeting with these KTLA morning news weekend edition producers, Executive producers to correct this and correct them. VIewers are complaining of too MUCH Flirting/Goofing off and too much sillyness.* NO MORE Of the KTLA MORNING News weekend edition being too relaxed and getting away with it.* *She cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post them or live stream them on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages.These executive producer and producers of the ktla morning weekend show need to face some kind of punishment for these clowns anchors and meteorlogist’s and entertainment reporter to start acting professional. They all need to stop playing with their cellphones and going on social media especially lynette, dayna, ( male anchor arrogant mark mester as well). Their should be some serious punishments handed down with the KTLAMorningNEWSWeekend Edition if no complaints or requests are made by viewers to those who run the ktlaweekendam fb and instagram, twitter pages and they need to take those complaints and correct them and requests they need to take if any viewers want their favorites on the ktlamorningnewsweekend edition.*Lynette and her colleagues cannot ask who wrote in because it’s none of their business.*Lynette and her colleagues cannot make bullying comments or make bullying jokes on their social media or through her Male or female viewers including colleagues on air or off air, through texting each other to whine to complain about it*.*It also goes for them appearing, calling them on the ktla morning news week day edition and the ktla morning news weekend edition it would be a conflict of interest- and there colleagues cannot discuss their complaints on air, off air, Texting their colleagues and their personal friends, Cousins, boyfriends, fiancé/ fiancee,Girlfriends,Husbands,Colleagues, Aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, grandmothers, Grandfathers, Greatgrandparents,-*It also goes for them appearing on the ktla morning news week day edition and the ktla morning news weekend edition it would be a conflict of interest or calling them on air or off air* Or *No showing proposals videos, photos of their engagements/Pictures/ wedding videos-it’s getting old and annoying etc.* No showing videos wishing them a happy birthday* or give birthday shoutouts, Happy anniversary shoutouts*. They cannot use their colleagues to give birthday shout outs to their personal friends,FAMILY/Cousins,GF’s, Boyfriends, Fiance/fiancee, Husbands, aunts/uncles, grandparents, greatgrandparents,etc. They are NOT Viewers and NOT celebrities. She cannot let her COLLEAGUES do the shoutouts to lynette's and colleagues personal friends and family members.* They will NEVER be a celebrities. They shouldn’t be able to go public with their Girlfriends,Boyfriends/fiance/fiancees, hubbys to show pictures of them on air or on their Personal social media pages to make it look like they are these so called celebrities and they are NOT FAMOUS and NEVER will be famous. Lynette and her colleagues are just anchors, meteorologist’s entertainment reporters, reporters etc. Lynette and her colleagues all need to stop being RUDE TO male and female viewers on their personal social media pages and their colleagues pages when a male or female viewer expresses his or her HONESTY/opinion their is NO need for other viewers to attack them over it. That needs to stop NOW and be corrected. No one is allowed to defend anyone of them this includes viewers as well. IF they cannot handle negative feedback or get called out by any viewers than why are they in the news industry????? Why are they on social media if they can’t handle negative feedback???? than they all need to stay off social media period or deactivate their social media accounts. *She cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages.These executive producer and producers of the ktla morning weekend show need to face some kind of punishment for these clowns anchors and meteorologist’s and entertainment reporter to start acting professional. You need to have the ktla morning news weekend editon stop it with the damn goofness and sillyness and flirting/compilmenting the colleagues and talking about their personal lives on air it needs to stop. NO more making any one public and acting as if they are FAMOUS. Lynette and her colleagues ARE NOT FAMOUS and NEVER will be famous. They are just anchors,entertainment reporter/anchor. These Producers and Executive producer of the ktlamorningnewsweekend edition NEED To start correcting MAINLY Dayna, (her CO anchor-young horndog-arrogant spoiled rotten brat-Mark mester- Hes way too mouthy as well.) and(Lynette-getting mouthy and is getting rude with viewers ever since she lost her weight and getting snobby.)need to stop letting these 2 anchors and entertainment reporter/anchor act like clowns and letting them trash the station? I thought KTLA was a classy news station? What about getting to the news? What about less chit chat? Let’s get to entertainment news. One male viewer stopped watching because of this~~> Stop it with the flirting/compilmenting your colleagues and act like you wanna get on the news desk and do the deed (you know what I mean) Just because she lost all that weight. Stop being goofy and acting like clowns and embarrassing the station. Maybe lynette needs to start gaining more of her weight back she is turning into a snob and acting as if she’s hot to trot.*They need to start listening to viewers complaints on social media especially on the ktlaweekendam fb and instagram page.This goes for everyone including all the KTLA morning news week day edition 4am-11am morning news casts/midday/afternoon newscasts/prime time news casts, the anchors, meteorologists, entertainment reporters, reporters this also goes for Producers, Executive producers from all ktla news casts should NOT be able to argue with male or female viewers, haters/trolls when he or she expresses their opinion on who they dont like or their least favorite ktla personality. Also goes for the fake loyal viewers who just want to argue with those actual LOYAL real viewers who express his or her opinions. Lynette and her colleagues cannot block those viewers who express their honesty on the ktla personalities personal social media pages just because if they don’t like who they work with. The ktla week day edition anchors don’t act like clowns???? If they act unprofessional or say something that is out of line or say something inappropriate or do something that management would NOT approve. The KTLA week day edition may laugh and giggle but at least they get to the news and do not do any type of chit chat at the beginning of the news casts….Having the viewers be apart of the 838 stretch is dumb and a waste of time. DO NOT Defend her or any of her colleagues and these producers and executive producers start being their authority figure and start correcting them.WHO CARES every time they comes back from vacation always as usual at the beginning of the newscasts to talk about their so called vacations and short trips. WE DO NOT CARE. GET To the damn news and weather and act professional.* We all are so tired of them talking about themselves and their private lives it’s getting freaking annoying.* We are also tired of their so called private fake jokes.* Lynette and her colleagues DO NOT have any private jokes with each other all 3 of them just want attention.* LYnette and her colleagues all need to stop being RUDE TO male and female viewers on their personal social media pages and their colleagues pages when a male or female viewer expresses his or her HONESTY/opinion their is NO need for other viewers to attack them over it. That needs to stop NOW and be corrected. No one is allowed to defend anyone of them this includes viewers as well. IF Lynette cannot handle negative feedback or get called out by any viewers than why are they in the news industry????? Why is she on social media if lynette can’t handle negative feedback???? than she needs to stay off social media period or take the viewers honesty and opinions/negativefeedback and be thankful for it.*They cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages.These executive producer and producers of the ktla morning weekend show need to face some kind of punishment for these clowns anchors and meteorlogist’s and entertainment reporter to They need to stop playing with their cellphones and going on social media. Their should be some serious punishments handed down with the KTLAMorningNEWSWeekend Edition if no complaints or requests are made by viewers to those who run the ktlaweekendam fb and instagram, twitter pages and they need to take those complaints and correct them and requests they need to take if any viewers want their favorites on the ktlamorningnewsweekend edition. Viewers are just like me they are sick and had enough crap of them talking about their private lives every 5 seconds or more just to be center of attention all 3 of them. We are sick of their so called fake phony so called private jokes. Lynete and her colleagues have No private jokes with each other that needs to be stopped and corrected especially if they post it on their personal social media pages that also needs to stop.* We don’t care what they did the night before.If they can’t take negative feedback from honest viewers even haters/trolls than they shouldn’t even be in the news industry, entertainment industry, radio industry. Why are they in the news industry if they can’t handle honesty, negative feedback from any viewers or haters/trolls even on their personal social media pages. ( For example I remember last year that the KTLA morning news early edition Chris schauble was told by an Executive producer Marcus smith that they got told to behave I think he told that to the wrong crew he should of told that to the KTLA morning news weekend edition aka the clown crew).There needs to be a rules set for the ktla morning news weekend edition permanently and needs to be put in place. She need to knock it off with their so called shenanigans and start acting professional- you need to set rules for the weekend crew NO MORE shenanigans and acting like clowns and unprofessional their seriously needs to be a rule NO MORE shenanigans and acting unprofessional no more rollerskating/rollerblading around and taking videos and pictures of themselves to post on social media. She cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages.*She cannot make bullying comments or make bullying jokes on their social media or through her Male or female viewers including colleagues on air or off air, through texting each other to whine to complain about it*. If she can’t take negative feedback from honest viewers even haters/trolls than she shouldn’t even be in the news industry, entertainment industry, radio industry. Why are they in the news industry if she can’t handle honesty, negative feedback from any viewers or haters/trolls even on their personal social media pages???*. (IF she can’t handle viewers who are actually honest and REAL that give negative feedback on the ktlaweekendam social media pages those viewers who don’t like the negative feedback they need to be told NOT to comment or reply in order to argue with me and those who express our honesty. *These so called loyal/fake viewers need to stop attacking viewers like me and others on the ktlaweekendam social media pages.*) The so called fake loyal viewers and (actual LOYAL viewers who express his or her opinions need to stop being attacked by the fake loyal viewers on all the ktla social media pages includes ktlaweekendam pages- it’s like the fake loyal viewers just want to argue and start fights-Their the ones who don’t like the negativity but the fake loyal viewers sure love to argue.* There needs to be a rules set for the ktla morning news weekend edition permanently and needs to be put in place. She needs to knock it off with their so called shenanigans and start acting professional- you need to set rules for the weekend crew NO MORE shenanigans and acting like clowns and unprofessional their seriously needs to be a rule NO MORE shenanigans and acting unprofessional like I said above this complaint. Their needs to be RULES set like no MORE rollerblading/skating in the newsroom or on the weather wall or around the ktla station/building, or around the set. NO MORE taking pictures of videos them rollerblading/skating around the set or on the weather wall or around the ktla station/building.*You guys think your KTLA morning news weekend edition is #1?? By acting like a clown’s and making the station a trashy one? I thought ktla was a classy news station???You don’t see the KTLA morning news week day edition act unprofessional??? If they were caught doing that OMG they would be headed to HR and suspended. How embarrassing and unprofessional??? how they are acting like clowns and trashing the station? The ktla week day edition may laugh and giggle and joke around but at least they get to the news… And at least they act professional as well. They don’t go do the 838 stretch and act unprofessional and do embarrassing things to trash the station. And these KTLA Morning news weekend edition thinks their #1??? Lynette and her colleagues will NEVER be the ktla morning news week day edition. IT’s funny how these KTLA Morning news week day early edition slammed the ktla weekend crew which I agree with them 100%. They were saying since the weekend crew has the 838 stretch maybe the ktla weekday early crew have a 5 minute nap time….. The KTLA morning weekend edition YOU WILL NEVER BE #1 give it up. You will NEVER be the KTLA morning news week day edition or compare to them. * My parents and I were discussing how we don’t watch the KTLA morning news weekend edition it’s because they are a bunch of wannabe’s and trying to be like the early week day edition 4 am crew. Lynette and her colleagues will NEVER be megan henderson, Chris shcauble, Henry dicarlo or Ginger chan.* And they will NEVER be the 7 am crew like Jessica holmes, Frank Buckley, Mark Kriski,Sam Rubin, Ginger chan, Eric spillman.* They have no personality and are NOT FUNNY at all. They try way too hard. We used to watch a little bit of the ktla morning news weekend edition when chris B. was still with us but not anymore.* Viewers are requesting change for the ktla morning news weekend edition. Some viewers have stopped watching because they act like clowns and are turning KTLA into a trashy news station.* GO read the ktlaweekendam fb, instagram, Twitter pages and you will see why.* They need to get too the news and quit the chit chat especially dayna needs to get too entertainment no more dumb/trashy stories about the 2 anchors and dayna and the rest of the crew. These 2 anchors, DO NOT act unprofessional and act like clowns during the week when HR is at the station do they? When they are out in the field reporting. This weekend crew is nothing but a clown news team and needs to start acting professional.*I cannot believe they are still on air? They think they are #1 on the weekends????? I would of canceled this ktlamorning news weekend edition. And They act like clowns? instead of acting professional? You don’t see the KTLA morning news week day edition news casts act like that? if they acted like that they would be headed into HR warned or they be suspended right on the spot. They will NEVER BE #1 they are just KTLA morning news week day edition wannabes. She need to be told that.*Do they pin stuff on the ktla social media pages/ ktlaweekendam page on instagram on purpose?-SO they can get so many likes and their comments can get noticed? It needs to stop they are getting in the way of comments and taking up space they shouldn’t be commenting and pinning so they can all be center of attention.-Their colleagues and NOW viewers are doing that and it’s really annoying even on their personal pages. Your Associate producer/Fred and social media guy said No KTLA reporters and anchors ARE NOT allowed to be posting anything on any ktla social media pages including the KTLAweekendam pages.DO they authorize their colleagues pay checks? Do they sign for their pay checks??? Do they authrorize their colleagues vacations/requests time off? Do they pay for their colleagues sick pay???? Do they do the hiring and firing of their colleagues???? Do they do the suspensions of colleagues??? Do they discipline their colleagues if they say anything inappropriate on air or on their social media pages????? Do they run all the ktla social media pages??? Do they post or behind the scenes and write stories and posts them on all the ktla social media pages?Now Lynette is getting bad by getting a little mouthy and she NEVER used to be that way on social media.* Last year when on air that one time at 430 am viewers noticed lynette wasn’t wearing a mask and called her out on twitter and she had to say something on air during the 5am hour or so. Lynete needs to watch what she says on air especially on her social media as well this includes twitter,FB, instagram. I feel you need to pull her off the KTLA morning news weekday edition and leave her at 7am to 3pm on the days she works so you can correct her if she get's mouthy or talks back to any viewer on her social media. She can only fill in for megan henderson or Jessica if they have the day off or request off/vacations only to fill in anchor and for ginger chan as well....
( IF she continues to fast lynette will get sick and will damage her kidney's, pancreas, heart, liver and her doctor needs to take lynette off of it. Is she doing it on her own to starve herself??? without her doctor monitoring her? And when she extends her IFF diet?????? She needs to stop her IG Live with IFF talks permanently. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/a28905278/intermittent-fasting-pros-and-cons/https://parade.com/1006975/nicolepajer/is-intermittent-fasting-bad-for-you/https://www.eatthis.com/dangerous-side-effects-intermittent-fasting/https://nypost.com/2021/01/07/intermittent-fasting-can-be-a-cover-for-eating-disorders/). Thank god my doctor told me NO she doesn't recommend it at all. I have to lose weight the old fashioned way...