Solidarity with Egypt Physicians Struggle Against Impunity

We the undersigned declare our full solidarity with the struggle of Egypt’s physicians, led by their syndicate, in defense of their dignity, the dignity of their noble profession and of all Egyptians against a tidal wave of arbitrary and lawless police impunity which has left no Egyptian citizen or resident of Egypt protected of its reach.
For several years, Egyptian physicians, under their current democratic leadership, have struggled for the right of Egyptians to free and adequate health service. More recently, they have battled against the horrendous living conditions to which tens of thousands of detainees are subjected, demanding humane standards of detention and the provision of health care to detainees in accordance with the Egyptian Constitution and International Human Rights Covenants.
Today, Egyptian physicians find themselves at the forefront of a battle involving all sections of the Egyptian people in a historic confrontation against the attempt to restore a police state unprecedented in its impunity, viciousness, lawlessness and violation of the most basic of citizens’ and human rights.
In January 2011, millions of Egyptians raised the banner of “human dignity” among the basic slogans of their revolution against political and social oppression. Today, Egypt’s physicians hold that same banner aloft again, defending not only their own human dignity but that of all Egyptians, and of all who reside on Egyptian land.