SAVE Open-space Dog Access (SODA)

THANK YOU to everyone who signed this petition. On Wednesday, March 31st, city council approved our request. These two trails will be retained as voice and sight.
We really appreciate your support!
Boulder SODA
Two of your favorite trails, Saddlerock and Tenderfoot, will soon be closed to dogs. This petition is to retain Voice & Sight dog access on the Saddlerock and Tenderfoot trails. My sales tax dollars pay for City of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Boulder Open Space and MountainParks and I support keeping Voice and Sight dog access on both the Saddlerock and Tenderfoot trails.
Sign this petition to retain Voice & Sight dog access for these two trails.
Background: As a group, dog owners/guardians have fully supported the protection of lands, protection of wildlife and the tenets of Boulder’s Visitor Management Plan. The CCG has recommended closing these recreation zone trails to dogs. The next step in the process is to solicit public input. Sign this petition to retain Voice & Sight dog access to two of the nicest trails in the West TSA, Tenderfoot and Saddlerock.
SODA- Save Open-space Dog Access
Please go to our website for additional information.
Join: Yahoo Group
SODA- Save Open-space Dog Access