James McCabe 0


64 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
James McCabe 0 Comments
64 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Since the demise of SNK corporation, we have no longer been able to acquire Neo Geo game boxes. Many of us have received these goods damaged in the mail and wish to replace them with new ones. SNK used to supply us with these items however, Playmore has not made them available to the general public. We would like Playmore to produce these for us as SNK did. We are prepared to purchase these items from Playmore if they would comply to our request. This petition will be sent to Playmore corporation on August 8th, 2002. If Playmore will not sell the game boxes to individuals could they sell them to an online store that deals in Neo Geo goods. We would greatly appreciate it if Playmore would grant us this request. Company Name PLAYMORE CORPORATION Address Esaka Sekishu Bldg. 15-11 Toyotsu-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka 564-0051 Japan TEL (06)6339-6362 FAX (06)6378-6360 Established August 1 2001 Capitals


Neo Geo gamers from all over the world wish to have these items.


The group of individuals who are sponsoring this petition are from all ver the world.
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