Marisa Hansell 0

Smokers have rights too! Keep Valparaiso smoking!

15 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Marisa Hansell 0 Comments
15 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Smokers have rights just like every other non smoker. ARTICLE 1 The Right to be equal in dignity and rights. ARTICLE 2 The Right to be considered as a group of people covered under the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ARTICLE 3 The Right to life, liberty and security of person while exercising our choice to smoke. ARTICLE 4 The Right to be free from being subjected to cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment and punishment. [1] ARTICLE 5 The Right not to be treated as, and considered to be, second-class citizens. ARTICLE 6 The Right not to be discriminated against in the workplace, in housing, in employment opportunities, in establishments, in adoption of children, in the raising and keeping of their own children. [2] ARTICLE 7 The Right not to be forced into arbitrary exile from establishments, housing, employment, and public buildings. ARTICLE 8 The Right to be included as active participants and voters in fair and public hearings as regards to where a human being may or may not smoke. ARTICLE 9 The Right to be active, essential, and voting part to all debates, policies, legal and administrative procedures concerning the taxation, limitation, regulation of our persons and lifestyle, and to all processes that otherwise economically and politically affect the exercise of our right to smoke. ARTICLE 10 The Right to be accused of being responsible for harming others with our tobacco smoke by state and institutions only after unbiased, transparent, verifiable, and scientifically unquestionable evidence has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that second-hand smoke is harmful to third parties. ARTICLE 11 The Right to be accused of being responsible for harming ourselves with our tobacco smoke by state and institutions only after transparent, verifiable, and scientifically unquestionable evidence has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that smoking is responsible for the specific diseases attributed to it, and beyond the effects of confounders. ARTICLE 12 The Right to be free from arbitrary interference in privacy, family, home and activities by state and institutions; and the Right to preserve honor and reputation as smokers. ARTICLE 13 The Right to travel as comfortably as non-smokers do, on any means of transportation. ARTICLE 14 The Right to leave or enter any country, without discrimination or persecution based on our choice, in conjunction with the right to exercise our choice to smoke. ARTICLE 15 The Right to not have our families be torn asunder based solely on whether or not a resident adult smokes. [3] ARTICLE 16 The Right not to be deprived from our property -- as it is the case for smoking prisoners, whose tobacco products are routinely confiscated. ARTICLE 17 The Right to freely, publicly, and equitably speak out against hatred, bigotry, and discrimination being perpetrated against people who smoke. ARTICLE 18 The Right to demand equal time for the rebuttal of false, distorted, misleading and slanderous information against smokers and smoking perpetrated by state, media, and institutions against those who have chosen to smoke. ARTICLE 19 The Right to use legal and political procedures when state and institutions divulge unverified, misleading, slanderous, or otherwise inaccurate information on tobacco products, the choice and the habit of smoking, and the effects of smoking, for the purpose of creating hostile and discriminatory environments against smokers, as well as attempting to influence the choice of smoking through libelous and inaccurate information. [4] ARTICLE 20 The Right to peaceful assembly and associate with other smokers and/or their supporters while exercising their choice to smoke. ARTICLE 21 The Right to work, and to freely and unrestrictedly choose employment, and to favorable conditions of work while exercising our choice to smoke; to be selected as workers, free from prejudice and discrimination about our smoking lifestyle choice; to be entitled to the same protection against unemployment applicable to those who do not smoke. ARTICLE 22 The Right to enjoy rest and leisure as we see fit while exercising our choice to smoke. ARTICLE 23 The Right to enjoy medical care and social services free of the prejudice, discrimination, restrictions, coercion, overcharge, paternalism, propaganda against (and misinformation on) smoking now perpetrated by state and health establishment against smokers. ARTICLE 24 The Right to receive respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, understanding, tolerance, and friendship. [5] ARTICLE 25 The Right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community, even when that community is comprised of smokers and their supporters. ARTICLE 26 The Right to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be fully realized for all. ARTICLE 27 The Right to exercise our rights and freedoms as regards the just requirements of morality, public order, and the general welfare in a democratic society. [6] ARTICLE 28 The Right to expect that the Smokers' Rights are unalienable, and therefore they shall not be destroyed, endangered limited. Footnotes [*] NOTE: Although the United Nations no longer seems to believe in, or abide by, their own Declaration of Human Rights, smokers are here to remind them that at least one segment of global society still take their Articles seriously. [1] The removal of children from their homes; refusal of employment or housing; denial of medical treatment; being forced to smoke outdoors, in all weather conditions; cruel, degrading, hateful, and bigoted comments from strangers. [2] Many organizations encourage, condone, and incite these discriminatory activities against smokers. [3] Smokers are increasingly, and systematically, being refused employment and favorable work conditions. [4] For example, the mandatory printing of propaganda and inaccurate information on the effects of smoking on cigarette packets. [5] Being treated as second-class citizens and pariahs even by family members, solely because of smoking is disrespectful and intolerant. [6] Consistently, smokers have been banned from the "democratic process" which prevents smokers from engaging in a legal, pleasurable activity. This is highly immoral. If you agree with any of the statements above, please sign this petition so that we can keep Valparaiso smoker friendly. Thank You.

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