Smokers Against Cigarette Taxes To Fund CHIP
Robert Bell 0

Smokers Against Cigarette Taxes To Fund CHIP

21 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Robert Bell 0 Comments
21 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The taxes on our cigarettes are out of this world. Federal taxes alone on cigarettes have increased 62.5 percent since 2000. President Obama's rescent reauthorization of the S-CHIP Bill puts into effect a 156 percent increase in the federal excise tax on tobacco, a hike of .61 per pack. Cigarettes are one of the most heavily taxed consumer products in the United States. The funding for SHIP a.k.a. CHIP, is the single biggest cause for the outrageous prices we are paying for our cigarettes today. It is unfair that smokers bear the entire burden for this program. We must stand together and tell the government to find their funding elsewhere. We smokers will not stand for this unfair taxation any longer. "Enough"


My name is Robert T. Bell. I am married and have three children. The reason I started this petition is because my wife and I are fed up with the rising cost of our cigarettes. It has become clear that politicians have been targeting us smokers to fund their misguided attempts to fund health insurance for children SCHIP a.k.a. CHIP. Don't get me wrong, the idea is good, but making us smokers bear the full burden of the cost through high cigarette excise taxes is wrong. It is time to end the hypocrisy of "politically correct" tax profiling of smokers.

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