To Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Recently the Dept. of Commerce/Bureau of the Census announced the partnering of ACORN to participate in Census 2010. ACORN has been in the limelight since Election 2008; embroiled in controversy and now the subject of indictments and allegations in several states. Sir,it is my firm belief that an organization who is suspect with regards to bias, voter intimidation and even possibly voter fraud; should not be allowed to benefit, profit and/or participate in an event as important as the US Census. The US Census is taxed with the extraordinary responsibility of distributing Congressional seats, making decisions regarding community services, and allocating billions of dollars of federal aid. To allow an organization such as ACORN to participate in the US Census is troubling and worrisome in the least. Therefore, as a citizen of the United States, I am asking you to revisit this issue and to strongly consider a reversal of ACORN's participation in Census 2010. I believe any thought or inkling of impropriety necessitates a divestiture of the US Census from ACORN.