Concerned Citizen 0


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We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Kelowna City Council for the following:

Fortis has made an announcement, stating their intent to install wireless meters on every home and business in Kelowna starting January 2015. Fortis' announcement has raised some dire concern in view of the known facts:

* Ontario Attorney General has stated that the residents of Ontario have overpaid an exorbitant 50 BILLION dollars since the installation of wireless meters in Ontario.
* Saskatchewan Government has demanded and caused to happen, the removal of all wireless meters because of the numerous house fires caused by the meters.
* Summerland, B.C. - Meters exploded and burned on the sides of houses during a mysterious power surge.
* Ontario - Power surge blows out between 60-70 smart meters on street causing power to be shut off for over 24 hours.
* There has been a massive increase in serious health complaints in U.S.A. and Canada due to the constant EMF emissions of wireless meters. Once the meters are removed the health problems disappear.
* Currently used analogue meters have over time proven to be safe, efficient and cost effective.
* Radiation Exposure up to 160X more than a cell phone.

In consideration of these known facts, we the citizens of Kelowna, demand that the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Kelowna take immediate definitive action to cause Fortis to cease and desist and forever refrain from the installation of wireless meters in Kelowna. Kelowna Mayor and Councillors must put a full stop to this reckless Fortis business plan that will endanger the lives and welfare of all Kelowna citizens.

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