Sara Warner Michigan 0

Smart Meter Free Zone

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Sara Warner Michigan 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We the people demand that a ordinance is passed to ban smart meters in Kentwood and keep the mechanical meters. Smart meters have caused health issues ( insomnia, flu like symptoms, rashes, head aches, fatigue, and etc.), over billing issues (in California,and Texas have class action law suits, Chicago), fire risk ( lawsuits have been fought and won for smart meter fires ), privacy ( in California private information is already being sold).

The WHO ( World Health Organization) labeled radiation from a smart meter to be a potential carcinogen and in the same class as lead and DDT. Smart meters have been proven to exceed the FCC limitations so the FCC can not keep us safe with the limits they set on human microwave radiation exposure.

We want mechanical meters because they are fair, both parties can look through the thick glass to see how much energy is used, they do not give off radiation, we have not seen issues with fires in mechanical meters. The facts are mechanical meters have proven themselves more safe and reliable and smart meters in just the little bit of time we have had them, have proved unsafe and unreliable. A smart meter can be changed by a remote at anytime and no one would know which in return could change the price of your billing and energy usage.

Remember when the government and tobacco companies told us cigerates didn't cause cancer, or fluoride is good in our drinking water, or round up would wash off and evaporate we now know better. I feel that this is just the start of EMFS and we are just starting to see the health issues. Let's unite and stand up for the generation coming behind us we don't want to leave them in a world filled with dirty energy, And health issues.

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