Vuk Maras 0

Sloboda govora u Crnoj Gori

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Ponedeljak, 12. mart 2012.     José Manuel Barroso, predsjednik Evropske komisije   Stefan Fule, Komesar za proširenje Evropske unije   EVROPSKA KOMISIJA     Poštovana gospodo,   Novinari već godinama žive i rade u okruženju u kome su lake mete i gdje za napade na slobodu govora niko ne snosi odgovornost.   Jedan osnivač i urednik je ubijen, sedam novinara je fizički napadnuto, prošle su godine, ali ni jedan od tih slučajeva i zločina nije rasvijetljen.   Vlast i nadležni organi ne samo da nijesu pokušali sprovesti temeljne istrage kako bi se otkrili nalogodavci i počinitelji ovih napada, već su učinili sve da se istrage obesmisle a pravi krivci nikad ne dotaknu. To nas je dodatno učvrstilo u uvjerenju da pronalaženje odgovornih vodi do samog vrha aktuelne vlasti.   Prije nekoliko dana fizički je napadnuta još jedna novinarka, Olivera Lakić, koja je pisala o organizovanom kriminalu i kojoj su već prijetili.   Napadi na novinare dio su kontinurane kampanje, koju pored fizičkih nasrtaja, prate stalni sudski procesi koje su prvo pokretali političari, a sada ih uglavnom vode lica povezana sa organizovanim kriminalom. Ti postupci su rezultirali visokim kaznama dnevnicima “Vijesti”, “Dan” i nedjeljniku “Monitor” zbog izvještavanja o kriminalu i korupciji. Ovi mediji i drugi slobodni pojedinci izloženi su i verbalnim prijetnjama i napadima od strane glasila koja kontrolišu predstavnici crnogorske vlasti i organizovanog kriminala.   Poštovana gospodo,   Mi, novinari i slobodni građani Crne Gore, već danima protestvujemo tražeći da institucije sistema zaštite našu slobodu govora i počnu da se obračunavaju sa podzemljem.   Pozvali smo sve novinare, i onih medija koji su bliski režimu i čiji novinari i urednici nikada nisu imali bilo kakvih, a kamoli ovako ozbiljnih napada, da nam se priključe, jer je sloboda izražavanja i njihov interes. Mali broj njih se ipak usudio da se pridruži našim protestima i drago nam je zbog toga.   Znamo da je sloboda govora jedan od uslova za napredak u procesu evropskih integracija, jer bez slobodnih medija nema demokratskog društva. Isto tako znamo da Crna Gora mora dati konkretne rezultate u borbi protiv organizovanog kriminala i korupcije koji podrivaju temelje države i ugrožavaju stabilnost ekonomskog sistema.   Naše institucije ni sada, a ni ranije nisu bile spremne da urade bilo šta konkretno. Zbog toga očekujemo da Vi, kao predstavnici Evropske Unije, zatražite od crnogorskih institucija sistema da odmah započnu obračun sa organizovanim kriminalom i zaštite novinare, medije i sve one koji se usuđuju da slobodno misle i govore.


José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission

Stefan Fule, Commissioner for EU enlargement and neighborhood policies


Dear Sirs:

Journalists in Montenegro have for years been living and working in an environment in which they have become easy targets and where there are no consequences for attacks on free speech.

The editor of one of the country's largest newspapers was killed, seven journalists have been physically attacked in the past year, though not a single one of these incidents was ever resolved.

The government and the responsible organizations not only haven't attempted to carry out detailed investigations in order to uncover who ordered these attacks and who carried the orders out. Instead they have done everything to ensure that such investigations are rendered meaningless and to deflect attention away from the perpetrators. Such a policy has convinced us that identifying the responsible parties would lead to senior levels of the government.

A few days ago yet another journalist was attacked. Olivera Lakić was assaulted in front of her home after writing about organized crime (for which she had already received threats).

Attacks on journalists are part of the continue campaign, which in addition to physical attacks, has also been accompanied by libel suits that were first initiated by politicians critiqued in the media, but that are now mainly being used by individuals linked to organized crime in order to silence the media. Such processes have resulted in very expensive penalties against dailies like Vijesti and DAN as well as the weekly Monitor for reporting on organized crime. These media and other free individuals have been exposed to verbal threats and attacks by government controlled media and media outlets linked to organized crime.

Dear Sirs:

We journalists, free citizens of Montenegro and others concerned about freedom of expression, have for days been protesting to demand that the institutions of the system protect our freedom of speech and begin to confront the underworld.

We call on all journalists, including those of media close to the regime and whose journalists and editors have never been targeted for such attacks, to join us, since freedom of speech is also in their interest. A small number of them has actually dared to join our protests and we are happy to see this.

We know that free speech is one of the conditions for advancing in the process of European integration, since without free media there can be no democratic society. At the same time we know that Montenegro must demonstrate concrete results in the fight against corruption and organized crime which are striking at the foundations of the stability of the country and its economic system.

Our institutions are still not ready to do anything concrete. For this reason we expect that you as representatives of the European Union demand that Montenegro's institutions immediately begin a confrontation with organized crime and protect journalists, media and all those who dare speak out openly.

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