Sl against Cyber bullying

Anti-Bullying Contract
Cyber bullying refers to Internet bullying. Cyber bullying is a form of
violence that can do lasting harm to people of all ages, but mainly
adolescents and teens. Bullying statistics show that cyber bullying is a
serious and growing problem. By being more aware of cyber bullying,
teens and adults can help to fight it.
Bullying has been around forever but cyber-bullying is different because
it lets a bully remain anonymous. It is easier to bully in cyberspace
than it is to bully face to face. With cyber-bullying a bully can pick on
people with much less risk of being caught.
Victims of cyber-bullying may
experience many of the same effects as children who are bullied in
person, such as a drop in grades, low self-esteem, a change in
interests, or depression.
By signing this contract, {your name}, understands that:
Bullying can be physical, verbal, or emotional.
consists of, but is not limited to: name-calling, violence, theft,
rumors, exclusion, threats, intimidation, put-downs and pranks, exposing
pictures, leaking RL information.
People should all be treated with
courtesy and equality regardless of age, gender, race, religion,
orientation, size, disability, intelligence, athletic ability or
I pledge to uphold the following rules:
*To abide by this policy concerning bullying and harassment.
*To refuse to participate, condone, or encourage bullying of any kind.
*To stand up for victims of bullying.
*To encourage others to treat all people with respect and courtesy.
*To help make Second Life & other social websites a place where everyone feels safe, heard, and respected.
Let’s all take a stand together to stop this crime. It can all begin with YOU by signing this contract.
( Signature)