CW Skimmer and Related Enhancements

WE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD LIKE TO BRING YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING PROBLEM, WITH RECOMMENDATION(S): We love CW Contesting because it is CW Contesting. CW Contesting is enjoyed by Amateur Radio Operators worldwide who use their skills and stations to compete with other stations and the other stations\' operator(s) skills. Although certain technological advancements have been developed and generally accepted by the contest community, Skimmer technology is one we feel should be banned from use in CW Contesting in all categories. Every other sporting activity has drawn the line at some point when a technology is developed that would substantially change the sport. Hundreds of examples could be given, but as an example, baseball does not allow aluminum bats to be used because it would enable the batter to hit it out of the park too often. We feel that Skimmer will substantially change the CW Contesting activity enabling operators to simultaneously copy every signal on the band - a feat dozens of operators could not do without this technology. A dramatic increase in confusion and QRM is expected as pirates will call CQ to see the callsign they used on a Skimmer list. Hundreds of stations will occupy frequencies in an attempt to run stations when their signal is not strong enough to hold a frequency, etc. Further, the next logical step will be automated QSO Machines which, over time, will actually replace the CW operator in Contesting. RTTY is a mode of operation that already requires a computer to copy what is being sent. We feel that if Skimmer type technology were allowed in this mode of contesting automated QSO machines could be developed and an appropriate category could be designated so that this technology could be enhanced and those who enjoy that type of automated operation would have the ability to use it. We respectfully request that CW Skimmer not be allowed for anyone submitting an entry to a CW Contest in any category in order to preserve the sport we love.