sk8 Park for twentynine palms

Lets get a 24 hour sk8 park hopefully maybe indoor solar powered with the mongo j skate shop located close in Twentynine palms California.The park now is ok but used allot as a drop off for children that don't even have anything to ride they just play on the ramps and get in the way.We need something more for sk8ers. We would like to see a good flowing mix of ramps and vert with street and freestyle options for all sk8ers to enjoy. We will also be looking at the option of a onsite skate shop as well by linking mongo j's with the park. The park will be of course free to sk8 and then the awesome low prices on all your sk8 needs 29 palms sk8ers couldn't ask for better. If we get an indoor park we will take ever step to make it energy friendly in the ways of solar power lighting and power. As well as we will offer a RTS (respect the spot) day for the sk8ers for months that the sk8er help keep the park clean on that day discounts will be giving in shop as well as free waters and snacks all day to all sk8ers provided by Mongo J's. So this is what we want to do we have been in touch with a few people and organizations to help us get this done but we need your help most of all we need sk8ers friends family anyone and everyone of you to help us make this happen! we do not need any more and are not asking for any money of any kind from anyone we simply ask for your support in the way of your name and e mail. the confermation page ask for donations for the petition site that is not for us and we do not get any of that money so once you see that page you have done your part and are free to exit the page.