Sign Up to Fight Workplace Size Discrimination!

NAAFA, a civil rights organization for people of size is deeply distressed & concerned by the Center of Disease Control (CDC) recent decision to launch a web site entitled "Leanworks" which features an obesity cost calculator for employers. This feature on the web site will be used to promote & legitimize blatant discrimination against fat people in the workplace and since the incidence of fatness is greater in ethnic racial groups other than non-Hispanic whites, the Leanworks website may also promote a program that would adversely impact ethnic racial groups. According to a recent Yale study published in 2008, weight and height discrimination are as prevalent as racial and gender discrimination in the workplace. The CDC should not promote programs that will further these trends. NAAFA urges everyone to let the CDC' know that its' decision to adopt such a discriminatory policy is wrong. Sign this petition to stomp down on size discrimination & promote policies that promote diversity, inclusion and wellness for people of all sizes.