Six Month Performance Review

Dear Fellow Massachusetts Patriots,
We worked hard to elect Scott Brown. We believed him when he told us that he felt as we do that the Federal Government is too big and is out of control. We sent him to Washington to help restore fiscal responsibility and accountability to a body of elected officials who had lost touch with the average American.
Mr. Brown has just announced that he will vote for the Barney-Dodd Financial "Reform" Bill. What do you think of Senator Brown's performance as YOUR Senator up to this point? Do you think his job performance is helping or hurting Massachusetts and our country?.
This is Scott Brown's six month anniversary as our Senator. As his employer, it is your responsibility to review his performance and provide him with your feedback. This will become part of his public employment record and will be used in the future to decide whether he should remain in our employ.
You are invited to evaluate his performance by adding your comments below: