Sir Daniel Fortesque As a Playable Character in Playstation All-Stars

Let's face it guys, it's been awhile since Sir Daniel Fortesque got any attention since his last game on the PSP, Medievil Ressurection. But now we have a chance to have Daniel Fortesque on the PS3. Only this time he'll be clashing blades (or chicken drumsticks) with the likes of Kratos, Sly Cooper, Bid Daddy and even Fat Princess! The Medievil games were fun, gothic and horror-esque with little bits of parodies in between. Dan is perfect for this game. He has a vast arsenal of weaponry from throwing daggers, to magic swords, to GATLING GUNS. Not to mention his cartoony-ish appearance makes him fit in perfectly. He's practically a Playstation legend. For him to not be included would be just plain wrong. He's earned a spot next to Crash and Spyro (Who will hopefully also be included.) Let playstation's undead knight return!