Silver Lake – Water Quality Improvement Petition

We, the undersigned residents, property owners, recreational users, and interested citizens, request the Lake Improvement Board, Silver Lake Dunes Corporation, Golden Township, Oceana County and the State of Michigan work together to solve the water quality issues at Silver Lake in Mears, Michigan.
Silver Lake and the Silver Lake sand dunes are a state, regional and national tourist destination. In the past 50 years the quality of the water has degraded to the point that there is excessive weeds and algae, contamination of fish and possibly other wildlife, health concerns and in general degradation of water quality negatively impacting the recreational uses of the lake.
We understand that this is an issue that may not be immediately resolvable but we are requesting the organizations stated above along with the property owners and recreational users of the lake, and surrounding communities, work collaboratively to develop and implement a plan of action to address the water quality in Silver Lake.
The circumstances of the Summer of 2011 highlight the problems in the lake. Several thousand fish died of unknown causes. The clarity of the water was so poor that it was not possible to see the bottom of the lake for the entire summer. The surface of the lake has had a constant layer of algae to the point that it has not been possible to swim in many areas of the lake. And there continues to be excess amounts of weeds.
Time is of the essence. Delaying action will only add to the problems that currently exist. Failure to address this problem will have a negative economic impact on the businesses, tourism, and property values.
We the undersign stand ready to work cooperatively with the government agencies and organizations, as well as other property owners and local businesses to help resolve these issues.