Silent Night Adoration

Dear Fr. Nen,
please help us keep the church open for 1 hour, for Silent Night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, in the Tabernacle.
We humbly request 1 hour of 1 Friday night, each month for Silent Adoration of Our Lord in the Tabernacle. Though an exposition would be of great benefit, we are simply requesting for 1 holy hour of Silent Adoration without exposition.
This form of Adoration is just as beneficial as the exposition, and will greatly increase the awareness and due reverence for the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Tabernacle. We hope this will be a blessing to our parish.
We also emphasise this Adoration be a silent one, because everyone who attends can worship and adore Christ at the same time. Everyone has their personal yet also different encounters, while not disturbing anyone else.
With silent Adoration, there are no groups competing to pray and sing aloud, meanwhile individuals who come for Adoration are marginalised into the few moments when groups change over. These individuals are unable to worship and adore because the intensions or even the language used, may not be their own.
Silent Adoration, allows everyone in their own and unique way to encounter Christ, Our Lord and God, in the Blessed Sacrament. In His total humility of silence, this is how we can connect with Christ: with our own silence. What joy this truly is.
In Christ, with much gratitude and appreciation,
Cabramatta Parishioners and The Fellowship of the Rosary.