Silent Majority is Silent No More
Richard McCormick 0

Silent Majority is Silent No More

14 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Richard McCormick 0 Comments
14 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We, the Silent Majority, will be silent no longer.

For too many years we sat by and watched members of Congress, federal law enforcement, and employees in other federal agencies break the law, lie under oath before Congress and to the citizens of our great country, while dishonoring the oaths they all took. No More!

Now, anarchy runs the streets of some of our greatest cities. Homes and small businesses are burned, stores and offices looted, innocent citizens including children are being murdered. Cries to defund the police departments fill the airwaves and front pages of main-stream media, deliberate action is being taken by elected officials to hamstring both local and federal law enforcement efforts to protect and to serve! We say, No More!

When pressed hard to denounce the chaos, the violence, the depredations committed by well-organized and funded anarchists many elected officials turn to “government speak” change the topic or ignore the request completely.

Peaceful protests and demonstrations are part of life in the United States. They are one way to reach out and secure the attention of the media and through them, our elected officials. But burning, looting, rioting in the streets, crazed mobs beating the defenseless or shooting children – this must stop! This must not be condoned through silence, through the cowardly acts of a few of the officials elected to also protect and to serve. We, the Silent Majority say, No More!

No More shall we sit back in the shadows and complain, No More shall we limit our protests to discussions on social media, at barbecues, or email. No More!

We, the Silent Majority, are declaring ourselves silent no longer. Hear us, listen to our message, talk to us, for we intend to make our desires, thoughts and prayers known.

To you, our elected officials and to those sitting in the wings or actively running for office we say the following:

1. Stop making COVID-19 part of a political agenda, it is a health crisis and must be met and dealt with as such. It is not a weapon.

2. Open the schools! During the H1N1 pandemic very few schools were closed, and even those in the heaviest hit areas were only closed for a few weeks. Measures can be taken and financial assistance has been offered to districts and local governments who need it. If we survived the H1N1 pandemic we can survive COVID-19. Open the schools.

3. Encourage Law Enforcement Unions and Police Departments across the country to educate their personnel and/AND hold them accountable when they fall short or fail. Let them know we are WITH THEM, but no more hiding behind the Thin Blue Line or Wall.

4. Support Police Departments – no more talk about defunding the very organization that keeps us safe. All organizations have a few bad apples including elected officials at the lowest and highest levels, whether local or federal. The police are not unique in this regard. Remind them we support them but hold them accountable as we do the others mentioned above.

5. Be proactive and protect the rights of those peacefully demonstrating for change. But be aggressive about curbing the more destructive elements harming our communities, killing our children. Denounce violence directly, call for suppression of violent groups, and then ensure that the judicial system makes them realize that actions=consequences. Hold them accountable.

We the undersigned, say No More and demand that you do what you were elected to do – protect and defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

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