It's Time For A Signal At Colonial Dr

A signal at the Colonial Dr/Rte 140 intersection to address traffic safety and congestion is long overdue
Instead, MA state officials plan to eliminate left turns into and out of Colonial Dr and funnel all traffic exiting onto Rte 140 southbound through a new Connector Rd in Boylston
This design will create greater delays in accessing Rte 140 southbound than would a signal at Colonial Dr
Adding a signal at Colonial will alleviate these traffic delays by providing a second means of exiting onto Rte 140 southbound
A new signal will also increase the safety for turning right into Colonial Dr by forcing traffic exiting the I-290 off-ramp to approach the signalized intersection at a slower speed
This solution will greatly improve access to Rte 140 for both the Shrewsbury and Boylston communities