Lynn Sabin 0

Sign this petition if you think there should be a bar (for adult beverages) in Walmart (USA) or ASDA (UK)

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Lynn Sabin 0 Comments
4 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

You know you want it. I know -I- want it, and now we need to let the people at Walmart (ASDA) know we want it!

How many times have you shopped in Walmart (or ASDA) and been so *stressed* by the experience that you would have given -anything- to just dump your shopping and collapse in to a chair, and have a smiling wait-person bring you a gin and tonic, or perhaps a cold beer?

How many times have you just walked through the Walmart (or ASDA) door and thought 'sod this. It's too much.' but have been so fascinated by the crowd there that you stayed anyway? Well, the answer would be to grab a drink, chill out at the Walmart bar, and watch the Walmart world go by.

So let's be heard. Let's tell the big companies what we want. Let's tell Walmart and ASDA that we want a bar/pub in the store... a full service pub with bar snacks and a kicking drinks menu. We want ring-side seats. Sign up!!!

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