Denounce Sid Ryan
Ben K. 0

Denounce Sid Ryan

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear Mr. Jack Layton, I must protest against the expressed views and actions of one of your party members, Sid Ryan from the Oshawa riding. His bigoted, one-sided and uninformed remarks put your party in the same place as other party from the dark times of WWII, which also called for banning academics and researchers from academic institute based on their religion and ethnic origin, when succeeded this was the start of the 3rd Reich. I don't see any difference between Sid Ryan's call for a ban of any Israeli academics from speaking, teaching, or doing research work at Ontario universities and what happened during the 3rd Reich when Jewish academics were banned from speaking, teaching, or doing research work at German universities. As responsible party leader I would expect that you would denounce Sid Ryan by revoking his membership as NDP member. Yours, The signed below

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