Sick Jonas Brothers Fan - SIGN PLEASE!

TO ALL YOU JONAS FANS OUT THERE! there are a million of you. and im asking for a favor. my friend is sick in the hospital. she wont be able to attend the jonas brothers cooncert in pittsburgh on august 26th. this is where you come in. i was thinking what the jonas brothers could do that wouldnt be very hard because i dont want them to go out of their way. so me and a few friends decided we could try to get them to dedicate a song to her at the pittsburgh concert. even though she will probably be too sick to go. it would just mean the world to her i bet if they did it. she would hear about it. the only time ive seen her have a real smile the past 6 months was when she found out they were coming and now she is too sick to go. its not fair SO PLEASE HELP ME OUT! she needs this, even though she has no idea im doing this. its a surprise. she doesnt have computer access in a hospital lol she will never no. so please sign! even if you dont know her.