Save the SI Castle: the Frost Memorial Tower/S.I.Hospital

We, the undersigned, support the efforts to ‘Save the Staten Island Castle’, originally the Frost Memorial Tower, part of Staten Island Hospital/Smith Infirmary. This 120 year old structure is an irreplaceable 1890 Neo-Medieval style, turreted brick building located in New Brighton, Staten Island, NY.
·Designate the 'Castle' as a NYC and NYS Landmark, which makes it eligible for historic tax credits and grants for rehabilitation.
·Stabilize the building from continued exposure to the elements and vandalism.
-URGENTLY REQUEST that NYC Housing Preservation and Development (NYC HPD) allow an independent inspection of the structural condition of the building.
-Adaptively reuse the historic building as an 'anchor' for any redevelopment plan for the 6.5 acre site.