Saikat Dey West Bengal 0

Shut Mocambo for a temporary period of time as a punishment for their guilt

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Mocambo, a well-known restaurant in Kolkata's Park Street area, features in practically every list of 'places to visit in Kolkata.' An old establishment celebrated for its food and ambience, the eatery has been a favourite with Kolkatans and visiting non-Kolkatans alike for decades now.

But Mocambo has left a bad taste in many mouths after a woman wanting to eat there on Saturday narrated in a Facebook post how she was refused service just because she was accompanied by her driver, Manish.

For knowing about the entire incident click here

We want justice above the arrogance of this Cuisine. No matter if you are from Delhi or Karnataka, supporting and standing by us, would not only teach this restaurant their guilt, but also prove the entire nation on how united we can be, given, how un-racist we are.

The incident, of a tourist taking her chauffeur for a dinner at a good place is not a sin. It shows how equal we can treat people. And this restaurant, is not only a threat to our equality but also claims that they do not allow any random Indian Language Speaking person into the cuisine.

Isn't it high time for we, the people, to teach them a lesson.

We want justice. And We want this restaurant to be shut for a temporary period of time, say a week, to lament and realize what misery they had done to the society.

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