Josh Cupp 0

Shut down thug hang out "Doubles"

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Josh Cupp 0 Comments
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Shut down thug hang out "Doubles" in Hamilton, OH. Doubles bar and night club on the west side of Hamilton has a history of illegal activity associated with it. Drug deals, underage drinking, prostitution, shootings and more. The latest shooting on July 24th 2016 was fatal. 3 were shot and one was injured fatally. On August 3rd 2016 there was a "revenge" shooting at the corner of 127 and Knightsbridge in Hamilton. There was a car chase and man hunt to find the thugs who committed this crime, endangering citizens and visitors of the city. All of this started at the Doubles bar and night club. This place is a nuisance and a danger to the community. It needs to be closed down before the thugs accidentally shoot a valuable contributing member of the community as part of trying to pretend they are real gang members. Please sign and spread this petition if you want to keep Hamilton safe. Forward to your friends and family and any law enforcement you know. Thank you.

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