AgainstProjectHarpoon Petition 0


9 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
AgainstProjectHarpoon Petition 0 Comments
9 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Facebook, Instagram and whoever,
this petition is for everyone who feels bullied by the site 'Project Harpoon' or just thinks that this kind of behavior shouldn't be tolerated.
'Project Harpoon' works - not authorised - with photographs of famous 'Plus Size Models' and photoshopped them with the message "look what's your potential".

That's far from "tolerance", "body-acceptance" oder "love your next". The authors of 'Project Harpoon' say, it's all about living healthy and showing people how they should look like. How can you be sure, this women are not healthy? How can you be sure, your opinion is important to them? And how can you be sure, their life would be better if they look like this ridiculous photoshopped version you created.

We don't want to shut down their point. Yes fight for a healthy society, but not with this methods - Project Harpoon. Ask for Plus Size Women, who wants to be photoshopped. Maybe you'll find some. But stop body-shaming and bullying in public. Stop giving hate and mean comments a space like this.

I think we should have learned what hate and segregation can do with a society. Jewish people, native american, refugees from other countries... To sad that I have to say that.. but now it seems you picked the next group.

Sign if you agree please. AND SHARE!!!!!!! Thanks <3

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