Shut down LA's unscripted and cancel the show. The hosts are NEVER wearing face coverings... Pull the commercials.
Anonymous chick 0

Shut down LA's unscripted and cancel the show. The hosts are NEVER wearing face coverings... Pull the commercials.

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Dear Jason ball/VP, General Manager Jeanne D/ President,

I am requesting that my name and email remain anonymous for privacy reasons Thank you. I want the Producers fired or suspended for allowing them to show BTS the 3 ladies that showed this embarrassing Clown LA's unscripted. *They cannot discuss this on air or off air or through texting any of their colleagues, Personal friends, or with their male or female viewers, GFs, BF's Hubbys, cousin's aunt's etc which you get the picture.All of these ladies including the 2 female producers and executive producers, along with Dayna, Liberte, Megan telles need to delete all BTS videos on their social media and photos as well this includes the 2 female producers, and executive producer as well. All three ladies-Dayna, Liberte, Megan Telles, need to face suspension 2 weeks or more along with the 2 female producers and Executive producers WITHOUT PAY For allowing all three ladies to show BTS before this dull/boring show was done being filmed. OH my mom and dad were saying and telling me that It's ok for Dayna, Megan Telles-(Duck lips) and liberte get to go around LA WITHOUT WEARING Masks since the show began?????? DO NOT EVER discuss this clown prime time TV show-La's unscripted which NEEDS to be TAKEN off air. Dayna shouldn't have answered questions and was kind of rude to Frank when he asked her a question about an entertainment story(Forgot what it was) on what she tried on her so called trashiest/clown Prime time show LA"s unscripted.... He shut her up after that and was like OH NEVER mind than. Dayna has NEVER been rude to any of the EARLY KTLA morning news crew. She shouldn't of even be discussing it. Myself, my parents, sister say it's nothing but a TRASHY- CLOWN-Prime time show and it needs to be canceled and taken off air. How embarrassing you let this clowns of the KTLA Morning news weekend edition have a prime time show? That was the wrong thing to do and a BIG mistake. This Prime time show LA's unscripted is so trash of a show that it needs to be thrown in the ocean or dumpster.* It's nothing but trash and nothing but an embarrassment to this station.* What the hell were you thinking of putting this trash of a show on prime time? I'd rather watch a full hour of Jessica's cooking show 7 day's a week or a full hour of news, or full hour of Two and half men, Full hour of Friends instead of this trashiest/clown prime time LAs unscripted needs to be taken off air.* How embarrassing would you let this clowns of the KTLA Morning news weekend edition have a prime time show? That was the wrong thing to do and a BIG mistake. You have these 3 ladies who are nothing but an embarrassment to this station? One who causes controversy and still employed? (And you have someone who has (Megan telles-duck lips) and who rambles on and on and think she's funny even though she is NOT FUNNY-Has no personality and tries way too hard to fit in.-She shouldn't even be on the KTLA morning news week day edition or the KTLA morning news weekend edition big mistake. I always have to put her on mute she's so boring.) You have one who does entertainment and acts unprofessional on the weekends when she fills in during the week she acts professional??? PULL all commercials from all KTLA news casts. You don't see the KTLA morning news week day edition acting like clowns and on a project that they were or will be working on in the near future. Last week when I was on instagram I Saw a video clip of Dayna and Megan telles-DUCK LIPS on instagram don't know if the show of dayna Jet surfing behind a boat the instagram link is below. Make sure she deletes all BTS videos and photos of the clown-Show LA's unscripted.* MY dad and mom have said when we see the embarrassing AKA THE CLOWN show LA's Unscripted commercials and I hope this dumb show get's canceled and shelved.. It should be renamed as THE CLOWN Show LA's Unscripted show on KTLA along with the KTLA morning news weekend edition should be renamed as The CLown KTLA Morning news weekend edition.. They cannot discuss her DUMB lame LA's Unscripted show DOESN'T deserve to be promoted on this lame KTLA morning weekend edition or the KTLA Morning news week day edition. This show needs to be pulled from the fall line up and the ads need to be pulled. Let's be honest here a tv show that sucks and is so dull /boring nothing but a clown show should be cancelled. It took off two and half men 5 days a week -I'd rather watch that as well at 7pm. I'd rather watch jessica's california cooking 7 days a week even on weekends. It needs to be taken off air. What an embarrassing 3 set of women who are on the ktla morning news weekend edition which is also a clown show as well as la's unscripted.... How embarrassing of you ktla?you have 3 ladies who are nothing but an embarrassment to this station. putting a show that has 3 people and an excutive producer and 2 female producers that should be suspended and terminated for allowing these ladies to show BTS of this lame/dumb special top secret project and they NEVER corrected them. Showed BTS on their social media before it was even done being filmed.They cannot discuss this on their Own Personal social media pages and includes their colleagues, her male viewers Or Female Viewers cannot ask them who complained about her even if they ask a question. They cannot crack jokes or make comments on air or off air or on their social media pages. If she asks who wrote in it should be none of their business.I know loyal viewers like me complain about the dumbest things about their favorite Anchors, meteorologists or their least favorite reporter or anchors meteorologist ,if they make comments on air or say something inappropriate on air or off air or on their social media platforms regarding any negative feedback and regarding this dumb dull show La's unscripted cancellation which it should be canceled and shelved. They need to deactivate all the show's social media.Last Monday all they did was play with their cell phones and show BTS and on social media and NOTHING was done to correct this complaint.. All the 3 ladies includes*Dayna's, Liberte's Megan Telles instagram link is below. This LA's unscripted show is so damn dumb and lame. When they were promoting their dumb show La's unscripted and trying to be center of attention when they had DAYNA on last Wednesday promoting it on the KTLA morning news weekday edition and Liberte-on Friday when she filled in for Mark Kriski so she can also be center of attention. This show needs to be shelved and canned and I want it to be taken off the airwaves. These two female producers Angel KIM and Pinksparklelady and the female Executive producer need to be held accountable along with Dayna, Liberte, Megan telles need to be suspended or terminated asap. Because these female producers NEVER corrected or stopped them from showing BTS footage before it even was done being filmed.. You don't see the KTLA morning news week day edition acting like clowns and on a project that they were or will be working on in the near future. I hope this dumb show get's canceled and shelved.. You don't see her showing BTS who she is interviewing you don't see Frank show who is he interviewing for his podcast/Frank buckley interviews or his new politic show or whatever other reporters are working on for KTLA like Eric spillman, Jennifer gould, Lauren lyster, Wendy burch, etc. You don't see them showing BTS crap on what would be working on for KTLA or non related KTLA stuff. At least they wait until it airs to show what they have been working on when they are DONE FILMING. *There needs to be a permanent production meeting with all 3 of these ladies every weekend no excuses. IF they are working on this LAME DUMB project LA's UNscripted lame ass TV night show THEY should NOT be able to show BTS or even talk about it on their social media pages on air or off air with their colleagues or viewers, family, personal friends GFS, Hubbys, Boyfriends, Cousin's, brothers, parents, kids, no excuses. It needs to be canceled and shelved. There needs to be a production meeting with all the ktla morning weekend crew and anchors, meteorologist's every weekend with you Jason* before they go on air. And read viewers complaints to them and CAN NOT mention the viewers name or e-mail address for our viewers right to privacy.* *They cannot discuss this on air or off air or through texting any of their colleagues * the following stuff some has been removed continue to remove followers and following sections now up to goes up-than when the weekend comes it goes up.*. Then the photos go up and up to 645-so on*. Do they pin stuff on the ktla social media pages/ ktlaweekendam page on instagram on purpose?-SO they can get so many likes and their comments can get noticed? It needs to stop they are getting in the way of comments and taking up space they shouldn't be commenting and pinning so they can all be center of attention.-Their colleagues and NOW viewers are doing that and it's really annoying even on their personal pages.* This is getting annoying their private lives need to be left off air. I don't want to hear their love lives or anything. GET TO the entertainment news. It's like they have to be the center of attention. This DUMB show SHOULDN'T EVEN be promoted and shared all over their social media. when I was just on instagram and DAYNA needs to be contact and sent home and face suspension.They cannot discuss her DUMB lame LA's Unscripted show DOESN'T deserve to be promoted on this lame KTLA morning weekend edition or the KTLA Morning news week day edition. You don't see the KTLA morning news week day edition anchors show BTS of their so called special TOP secret projects and blow what they are working on especially on social media. You don't see Jessica Holmes when she was offered to do a cooking show. You don't see her showing BTS who she is interviewing you don't see Frank show who is he interviewing for his podcast/Frank buckley interviews or his new politic show or whatever other reporters are working on for KTLA like Eric spillman, Jennifer gould, Lauren lyster, Wendy burch, etc. You don't see them showing BTS crap on what would be working for KTLA or non related KTLA stuff. *There needs to be a permanent production meeting with all 3 of these ladies every weekend no excuses. IF they are working on this LAME DUMB project LA's UNscripted lame ass TV night show THEY should NOT be able to show BTS or even talk about it on their social media pages on air or off air with their colleagues or viewers, family, personal friends GFS, Hubbys, Boyfriends, Cousin's, brothers, parents, kids, no excuses. It needs to be canceled and shelved. Their needs to be a production meeting with all the ktla morning weekend crew and anchors, meteorologist's every weekend with you Jason* before they go on air. And read viewers complaints to them and CAN NOT mention the viewers name or e-mail address for our viewers right to privacy.* *The Ladies cannot discuss this on air or off air or through texting any of their colleagues * the following stuff some has been removed continue to remove followers and following sections now up to goes up-than when the weekend comes it goes up.*. Than the photos go up and up to 488-so on*. This Show LA's Unscripted is gonna be NOTHING but a clown show and also an embarrassment to the station.* And giving dayna a Car in pink with her picture on it totally unacceptable and unprofessional that is the MOST dumbest thing ever. How embarrassing of you KTLA to do something so embarrassing? The KTLA morning news weekend edition is a joke and a nothing but a clown show. YOu don't see the ktla morning news week day edition
Do they pin stuff on the ktla social media pages/ ktlaweekendam page on instagram on purpose?-SO they can get so many likes and their comments can get noticed? It needs to stop they are getting in the way of comments and taking up space they shouldn't be commenting and pinning so they can all be center of attention.-Their colleagues and NOW viewers are doing that and it's really annoying even on their personal pages.* This is getting annoying their private lives need to be left off air. I don't want to hear their love lives or anything. GET TO the entertainment news. It's like they have to be the center of attention. This TRASHIEST/Clown prime time TV show LA's Unscripted SHOULDN'T EVEN be promoted and shared all over their social media. You need to have these 2 upper bosses have a meeting with Dayna, Liberte, Megan telles, and a seperate one with these 2 female producers and set them straight and suspend them or terminate them right on the spot. These 2 female Producers/Executive producer that are part of this LAME Trashiest/clown of a project for LA's Unscripted for allowing these 3 ladies to show BTS need to be held accountable for letting them show BTS and NOT paying attention should all face suspension/Termination and face some kind of disciplinary action immediately. You NEED TO PULL THE ADS for the LAME ASS COMMERCIAL for LA's unscripted from all KTLA news casts.* Last week I had to write about all three of these ladies includes the 2 female producers of this lame ass project which shouldn't air. These 2 female producers, Executive producers along with Liberte, Dayna, Megan telles need to be held accountable for showing BTS and allowing them to show BTS and NOT correcting them when complaints came in regarding this. They all need to face suspension and termination as well. And when this dumb show wasn't complete or done filming they kept talking about their so called TOP SECRET project and taking time off for it was NOT worth it. All the instagram links and stories that probably don't exist anymore but if they keep sharing it all over social media please have THEM DELETE ALL of their photos, instastories-regarding the dumb lame show. The commercial ads for it are so damn dumb. This TRASHIEST/CLOWN TV show doesn't deserve to be promoted or deserve any promotion. It needs to be taken off the airwaves Please correct this and have a production private meeting with these 2 female producers/Executive producer and along with dayna, Megan Telles, Liberte and suspend/terminate them until further notice.( Henry and the other ACTUAL News legends have been at KTLA station a lot longer than these three bimbos they should actually have their OWN SHOW NOT THESE three ladies.( I agree and back henry 100%. On Wednesday, I was watching the ktla morning news weekday edition and Henry is so right and spot on during the 6 am hour he got megan telles to shut her up about her so called DUMB lame show LA's Unscripted when they asked her about it Henry GOT her to shut up and put Megan telles in her place. Megan telles said when it will premiere and Henry said OH you been here 2 years and you get a show? Than she said I won't talk about it than. She shut up after that.)*I Can tell henry wanted to throw something at her the last time she filled in for Megan henderson and NOW with Chris Schauble.) ( YOU NEED TO CONTACT THEIR SO CALLED female producers and have these 3 ladies suspended along with the producers trying to promote their lame dumb show on hollywood BLVD.Liberte's instagram she needs to REMOVE and delete these photos and BTS of her so called LAME DUMB show NOW!! Pull the commercial ads fromKTLA 5 news casts when they go to commercial.Just saw this on Dayna's insta story Bring them back to the station all 3 of
them and suspend them RIGHT NOW.THE RING Leaders #1 is MEGAN TELLES showing BTS along with RING LEADER #2 Liberte chan and Ring leader #3 Dayna of their so called lame project and lame show LA's Unscripted. Ring leader 1 liberte and #2 duck lips megan telles #3dayna Just saw this on Dayna's insta story Bring them back to the station all 3 of them and suspend them RIGHT NOW. Pull the commercial ads from KTLA 5 news casts when they go to commercial.(And all ladies including the producers of this lame project need to face suspension, termination, or some kind of disciplinary actions against them and dayna, liberte, megan telles as well.Now Dayna even posted this as well of this lame show. Put TWO and half men back at 7pm line up permanently.Dayna even posted this as well as liberte did. She needs to delete these photos right now. Pull this show off the KTLA fall line up. A female producer tagged the ladies in this lame dumb project..The ladies or her colleagues cannot discuss their DUMB lame LA's Unscripted show DOESN'T deserve to be promoted on this lame KTLA morning weekend edition or the KTLA Morning news week day edition. You don't see the KTLA morning news week day edition anchors show BTS of their so called special TOP secret projects and blow what they are working on especially on social media. You don't see Jessica Holmes when she was offered to do a cooking show. You don't see her showing BTS who she is interviewing you don't see Frank show who is he interviewing for his podcast/Frank buckely interviews or his new politic show or whatever other reporters are working on for KTLA like Eric spillman, Jennifer gould, Lauren lyster, Wendy burch, Ellina AB, Christiina P., Kirk Hawkins, etc. You don't see them showing BTS crap on what would be working on for KTLA or non related KTLA stuff. *There needs to be a permanent production meeting with all 3 of these ladies every weekend no excuses. IF they are working on this LAME DUMB project LA's UNscripted lame ass TV night show THEY should NOT be able to show BTS or even talk about it on their social media pages on air or off air with their colleagues or viewers, family, personal friends GFS, Hubbys, Boyfriends, Cousin's, brothers, parents, kids, no excuses. It needs to be canceled and shelved. Their needs to be a production meeting with all the ktla morning weekend crew and anchors, meteorologist's every weekend with you Jason* before they go on air. And read viewers complaints to them and CAN NOT mention the viewers name or e-mail address for our viewers right to privacy.* ON The KTLA weekend am social media pages than the photos go up and up to 488 and so on*. This is getting annoying their private lives need to be left off air. This happened all last week when I Found another BTS by dayna who shared this from someone who she's interviewing for her DUMB show LA's Unscripted which should be shelved and she needs to be suspended along with the producers who are involved as well should face disciplinary action as well. Even viewers say this show is dumb on social media. And these producers who were apart of this DUMB project also kept tagging all three of the ladies. They were also playing with their cell phones as well or their computers/laptops.
I don't want to hear their love lives or anything. GET TO the entertainment news. It's like they have to be center of attention. This DUMB show SHOULDN'T EVEN be promoted and shared all over their social media. it needs to be canned and shelved for good and NO network or sister station can air this lame program that doesn't doesn't deserve to be even put together. These female producers Angel KIM and Pink sparkle lady need to face some serious disciplinary action or face termination.* My mom and dad said this show so dumb and lame that it even shouldn't even hit the airwaves.* This show needs to be taken off the lineup you need to put back Two and half men at the 7:00 time slot....These 2 female producers/Executive Producer, and liberte, dayna, Megan telles, who are apart of this project needs to be suspended/terminated and this so called top secret project needs to be canned and shelved and NOT air on any ktla news shows/ktlamorningnewsweekday edition includes the ktla morning news morning news weekend edition to promote or even discuss this on air or off air or even on their social media cannot take pictures/post them or videos or even their lame commerical ad. All of them need to delete all the BTS footage including the producers of this lame project.* And all ladies including the producers of this lame project need to face suspension, termination, or some kind of disciplinary actions against them and dayna, liberte, megan telles as well.(There needs to be a rules set for the ktla morning news weekend edition permanently and needs to be put in place. They need to knock it off with their so called shenanigans and start acting professional- you need to set rules for the weekend crew NO MORE shenanigans and acting like clowns and unprofessional their seriously needs to be a rule NO MORE shenanigans and acting unprofessional no more having family/parents, sister, brothers cousins, personal friends,hubbys boyfriends, GFS, male or female viewers,from appearing on the KTLA morning news weekend shows. Their needs to be no MORE rollerblading/skating in the newsroom or on the weather wall or around the ktla station/building, or around the set. NO taking pictures of videos them rollerblading/skating around the set or on the weather wall or around the ktla station/building.* They need to get too the news and quit the chit chat especially dayna needs to get too entertainment no more lame stories about liberte,and the rest of the crew.* This weekend crew is nothing but a clown news team and needs to start acting professional.*I cannot believe they are still on air? I would of canceled their news show. And act like clowns? instead of acting professional? You don't see the KTLA morning news week day edition news casts act like that? if they acted like that they would be headed into HR warned or they be suspended right on the spot.) They will NEVER BE #1 they are just KTLA morning news week day edition wannabes. they need to be told that. They cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages. Their should be some serious punishments handed down with the KTLAMorningWeekend Edition.They cannot ask who wrote in because it's none of their business.*They cannot make bullying comments or make bullying jokes on their social media or through her Male or female viewers including colleagues on air or off air, through texting each other to whine to complain about it*. If they can't take negative feedback from honest viewers even haters/trolls than they shouldn't even be in the news industry, entertainment industry, radio industry. Why are they in the news industry if they can't handle honesty, negative feedback from any viewers or haters/trolls even on their personal social media pages. They need to stop checking the ratings and leave it to your VP and HR management to check it. The KTLA morning news WEEK DAY EDITION will always be #1/KTLA Morning news midday/afternoon and prime time week days and prime time weekends. And the KTLA morning news weekend edition WILL NEVER BE #1.* They cannot call no viewer out or have the last word on air or off air or on their social media pages including the weekend morning Instagram page, facebook, Twitter.when they comment on the ktla social media pages they pin their comments and it takes up seeing other viewers comments especially when their colleagues do it on their personal pages on instagram it's getting annoying. They are taking up comment space and it needs to stop. they do it on their personal pages as well as their colleageues social media pages.They need to stop the chitchat and stop it with the clown news shows. They will NEVER BE #1 they are just KTLA morning news week day edition wannabes. they need to be told that.( I saw this on dayna's instagram and I HOPE this show DOES NOT AIR THIS FALL. It's the most lamest thing that KTLA has wanted to air this fall? I will NOT be watching this dumb show LA unscripted. This DUMB/lame LA's Unscripted show is nothing but a clown show and needs to be taken off air and it's nothing but an embarrassment to the station. If these ladies wanna be clowns than they need to go join the circus.
I sent this to Nextar SVP to have this show canned and cancelled for good. It needs to be deleted and removed from the fall line up.
(There needs to be a rules set for the ktla morning news weekend edition permanently and needs to be put in place. They need to knock it off with their so called shenanigans and start acting professional- you need to set rules for the weekend crew NO MORE shenanigans and acting like clowns and unprofessional their seriously needs to be a rule NO MORE shenanigans and acting unprofessional no more having family/parents, sister, brothers cousins, personal friends,hubbys boyfriends, GFS, male or female viewers,from appearing on the KTLA morning news weekend shows. Their needs to be no MORE rollerblading/skating in the newsroom or on the weather wall or around the ktla station/building, or around the set. NO taking pictures of videos them rollerblading/skating around the set or on the weather wall or around the ktla station/building.* They need to get too the news and quit the chit chat especially dayna needs to get too entertainment no more lame stories about liberte,and the rest of the crew.* This weekend crew is nothing but a clown news team and needs to start acting professional.*I cannot believe they are still on air? I would of canceled their news show. And act like clowns? instead of acting professional? You don't see the KTLA morning news week day edition news casts act like that? if they acted like that they would be headed into HR warned or they be suspended right on the spot.) They will NEVER BE #1 they are just KTLA morning news week day edition wannabes. they need to be told that. They cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages. Their should be some serious punishments handed down with the KTLAMorningWeekend Edition.They cannot ask who wrote in because it's none of their business.*They cannot make bullying comments or make bullying jokes on their social media or through her Male or female viewers including colleagues on air or off air, through texting each other to whine to complain about it*. If they can't take negative feedback from honest viewers even haters/trolls than they shouldn't even be in the news industry, entertainment industry, radio industry. Why are they in the news industry if they can't handle honesty, negative feedback from any viewers or haters/trolls even on their personal social media pages. They need to stop checking the ratings and leave it to your VP and HR management to check it. The KTLA morning news WEEK DAY EDITION will always be #1/KTLA Morning news midday/afternoon and prime time week days and prime time weekends. And the KTLA morning news weekend edition WILL NEVER BE #1.* They cannot call no viewer out or have the last word on air or off air or on their social media pages including the weekend morning Instagram page, facebook, Twitter.when they comment on the ktla social media pages they pin their comments and it takes up seeing other viewers comments especially when their colleagues do it on their personal pages on instagram it's getting annoying. They are taking up comment space and it needs to stop. they do it on their personal pages as well as their colleageues social media pages.They need to stop the chitchat and stop it with the clown news shows. They will NEVER BE #1 they are just KTLA morning news week day edition wannabes. they need to be told that.( I saw this on dayna's instagram and I HOPE this show DOES NOT AIR THIS FALL. It's the most lamest thing that KTLA has wanted to air this fall? I will NOT be watching this dumb show LA unscripted. I sent this to Nextar SVP to have this show canned and cancelled for good. It needs to be cancelled and taken off the kTLA airwaves immediately you got the wrong 3 ladies to do this so called show. THis so called TOP secret project is lame and uncalled for to be airing on KTLA. They are nothing but an embarrassment to this station. You don't see the KTLA morning news week day edition acting like clowns and on a project that they were or will be working on in the near future.* These ladies need to face some disciplinary action and suspension and termination along with these lady producers. I hope you can correct this now and suspend her asap and send her home from her so called top secret project she said for KTLA. Please contact liberte and ( Saw this on her instagram AGAIN link is below and photos of her so called TOP secret special project that should NOT air now for any ktla news casts hours especially the ktla morning news weekday editions and the ktla morning news weekend edition and the other news casts hours There are photos of her so called TOP secret special project that should NOT air now for any ktla news casts hours especially the ktla morning news weekday editions and the ktla morning news weekend edition and the other news casts hours. I sent a complaint with the link to your VP. this is the most lamest show LA's unscripted I WILLL NOT be watching at all. I contacted Nextstar/CW to cancel and have this show canned even shelved for good and NOT have it picked up by any network. All of them need to delete all the BTS footage including the producers of this lame project.* And all ladies including the producers of this lame project need to face suspension, termination, or some kind of disciplinary actions against them and dayna, liberte, megan telles as well. They will NEVER BE #1 they are just KTLA morning news week day edition wannabes. they need to be told that. They cannot read any of Haters/trolls or viewer complaints on air or off air or post on their personal social media pages or ktla social media pages/KTLAweekendam pages. Their should be some serious punishments handed down with the KTLAMorningWeekend Edition.They cannot ask who wrote in because it's none of their business.*They cannot make bullying comments or make bullying jokes on their social media or through her Male or female viewers including colleagues on air or off air, through texting each other to whine to complain about it*. If they can't take negative feedback from honest viewers even haters/trolls than they shouldn't even be in the news industry, entertainment industry, radio industry. Why are they in the news industry if they can't handle honesty, negative feedback from any viewers or haters/trolls even on their personal social media pages. They need to stop checking the ratings and leave it to your VP and HR management to check it. The KTLA morning news WEEK DAY EDITION will always be #1/KTLA Morning news midday/afternoon and prime time week days and prime time weekends. And the KTLA morning news weekend edition WILL NEVER BE #1.* They cannot call no viewer out or have the last word on air or off air or on their social media pages including the weekend morning Instagram page, facebook, Twitter.when they comment on the ktla social media pages they pin their comments and it takes up seeing other viewers comments especially when their colleagues do it on their personal pages on instagram it's getting annoying. They are taking up comment space and it needs to stop. they do it on their personal pages as well as their colleageues social media pages.They need to stop the chitchat and stop it with the clown news shows. They will NEVER BE #1 they are just KTLA morning news week day edition wannabes. they need to be told that. I saw this on dayna's instagram and I HOPE this show DOES NOT AIR THIS FALL. It's the most lamest thing that KTLA has wanted to air this fall? I will NOT be watching this dumb show LA unscripted. I sent this to Nextar SVP to have this show canned and cancelled for good.
It needs to be cancelled and taken off the kTLA airwaves immediately you got the wrong 3 ladies to do this so called show. THis so called TOP secret project is lame and uncalled for to be airing on KTLA. They are nothing but an embarrassment to this station. You don't see the KTLA morning news week day edition acting like clowns and on a project that they were or will be working on in the near future.* These ladies need to face some disciplinary action and suspension and termination along with these lady producers. I hope you can correct this now and suspend her asap and send her home from her so called top secret project she said for KTLA. Please contact liberte and ( Saw this on her instagram AGAIN link is below and photos of her so called TOP secret special project that should NOT air now for any ktla news casts hours especially the ktla morning news weekday editions and the ktla morning news weekend edition and the other news casts hours There are photos of her so called TOP secret special project that should NOT air now for any ktla news casts hours especially the ktla morning news weekday editions and the ktla morning news weekend edition and the other news casts hours. I sent a complaint with the link to your VP. (Liberte was tagged in this is the most lamest show LA's unscripted I WILLL NOT be watching at all. When some of these ladies she shared photos/videos from a producer which is totally wrong this so called lame dumb show needs to be canned and cancelled and NOT Be promoted this is so dumb a waste of time and film. All three of them need to delete all the BTS footage including the producers of this lame project.* And all ladies including the producers of this lame project need to face suspension, termination, or some kind of disciplinary actions against them and dayna, liberte, megan telles as well.) Someone did a petition to stop this before it premiered on KTLA. it needs to be canned and shelved for good and NO network or sister station. These female producers Angel KIM and Pink sparkle lady need to face some serious disciplinary action or face termination.* My mom and dad said this show so dumb and lame that it even shouldn't even hit the airwaves.* This show needs to be taken off the lineup you need to put back Two and half men at the 7:00 time I hope fred can let him see it. Her producers need to face suspension or disciplinary action along with liberte showing a so called top secret project NEEDS to be CANCELLED... NO series finale of this Trashiest/clown Prime time TV show LA"s unscripted.* It's the most embarrassing thing that has ever been on TV.* The commercials are even embarrassing they get to go out without masks and roam around LA promoting and filming this trashiest/clown prime time show that shouldn't even hit the airwaves.

Her producers need to face suspension or disciplinary action along with liberte showing a so called top secret project THIS so called top secret project cannot air and there needs to be a rule set if she keeps violating the rule suggestion I made she needs to face disciplinary action and suspension. This is what she has posted dunno if it has something to do with her so called TOP secret special project Liberte must delete it. Here it is again you will see dayna in the background here is the link... All three ladies including DAYNA, Megan Telles-(duck lips), Liberte and their 2 female producers, Executive producer, cameraman and suspend them for allowing her to show BTS and photos on her insta story before this DUMB show even aired. It should be taken out of the FALL LINEUP. There was one where one of her producers tagged her in a photo the producers name is angelKim- 2 weeks or so ago and another guy producer/photographer also tagged her in his picture. Anyone of these embarrassing clown ladies doing a so called TOP secret project needs to be cancelled and NOT continue to AIR. ( Saw this on her instagram and photos of her so called TOP secret special project or any type of projects that should NOT air period. These 2 female producers, Executive producer need to face suspension or disciplinary action along with liberte showing a so called top secret project NEEDS to be canned and NOT be aired for any ktla morning news shows includes the ktla morning news weekend edition and ktla 5 morning news midday/aft THIS so called top secret project cannot air and there needs to be a rule set if she keeps violating the rule suggestion I made she needs to face disciplinarysuspension. This is what she has posted dunno if it has something to do it with her so called TOP secret special project Liberte must delete it.) (There needs to be a rule in place and a production meeting with all crew members, anchors, reporters for now on any reporters or anchors from all newscasts news shows* even if it's outside of work as well and cannot show any BTS footage, photos, of what they are working on for any KTLA Morning news shoes including the weekend edition as well and especially if it's has to do with for example Jessica's show, or even if it's outside work for the entertainment industry,etc, if they show BTS or before it airs their food piece should NOT air or if it's a special project or segment for the ktla morning news shows/thektlamorningnewsweekend edition, KTLA 5 news/weekdays and weekends.* Her insta story and she said it's for KTLA (There needs to be a rule in place for now on any reporters or anchors from all newscast cannot show any BTS footage, photos, of what they are working on for any KTLA Morning news shoes including the weekend edition as well and especially if it's has to do with for example Jessica's show if they show BTS or before it airs their food piece should NOT air or if it's a special project or segment for the ktla morning news shows/KTLAmorningnewsweekend edition*.These producers and liberete, dayna, Megan telles, Producers, who are apart of this project needs to be suspended/terminated and this so called top secret project needs to be canned and shelved and NOT air on any ktla news shows/ktlamorningnewsweekday edition includes the ktla morning news morning news weekend edition.A Female viewer on KTLAweekendam facebook page along with me as well as other female viewers Jana Scott
Won't watch. So tired of MT and her USC Sorority girl RBF. Reply ·
Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.
(Me)I agree with you I won't be watching either. my mom says this show is dumb and my dad says the samething. As much as I love and adore dayna I won't be watching this show. If anyone else tries to attack me it's jmo. #truthhurtswannnabandid #imnotmeanim… See More
Darlene Nevel Michener (Me) -agree, why is Tellas the golden girl of KTLA news all of a sudden, annoying! (Me)- Darlene Nevel Michener exactly I can't stand her.THIS a Male Viewer that said this on Liberte's instagram Photo: BLazeBlazerr Don't get too excited, The boring show will be CANCELLED SOON!!!! (Laughing emoji) HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR YOURSELF, DO NOT CALL HIM "THE MAN'' what you is slave worker???? WTF DIDN'T YOUR UNFIT MOTHER TEACH YOU ANYTHING???? YOU INSINUATING HE IS SUPERIOR TO YOU!!!!! SMH FEMALES LIKE YOURSELF SET THE ME TOO MOVEMENT BACK!!!! BUILT LIKE A PENCIL (emoji) No Curves. (Laughing emoji).
this lame dumb show LA's Unscripted
Liberte was tagged in this is the most lamest show LA's unscripted I WILLL NOT be watching at all. This show canned even shelved for good and NOT have it picked up by any network. ( From dayna's instagram page please make sure she DELETES all BTS videos and Photos of this Clown-La's unscripted show along with the other 2 ladies that have to do the same.

(She did an interview with this magazine and talked about the Lame/dull show LA's unscripted before it as even premiered. They need to pull the magazines from online and whatever stores carry the magazine. last month on social media the is Female viewer said this on the KTLA morning weekend am fb page and one other female said this : liberty have some class! your dressed like your going to a burlesque saloon!! Keep KTLA 5 classy not trashy! Then one female viewer said on Instagram that you guys should tell your weather girls to dress appropriately that goes with the type of weather that they're reporting! From Last month a female viewer said Dresses keep getting skimpier... What's next? Forecast in a bikini for all the men to see that are not even paying attention to what you are saying? I like the weekend morning show but sadly its getting into the liberte ''look at me'' show off show. Even a male viewer said when kirk hawkins filled in for her it's about time they caught someone else besides liberte. This tells you right there that these viewers do not watch or they can't stand her. From last month these viewers especially this Female viewer said this on the KTLA morning weekend am fb page and one other female said this : liberty have some class! your dressed like your going to a burlesque saloon!!Keep KTLA 5 classy not trashy! Then one female viewer said on Instagram that you guys should tell your weather girls to dress appropriately that goes with the type of weather that they're reporting! And other viewer agreed and thought the same thing. ON instagram a female viewer: Told liberte that Imma gonna need you to stop walking around like you are a model and just do the freaking weather! And why do you dress like that... ON her public figured page a male viewer David Franks This is another moment of''Look at me'' LIberte and her rude comment towards this viewer: David Franks I encourage you to stop following me. Have a beautiful day
Liberte even got rude with the female viewer on instagram and Liberte's rude comment was: feel free to change the channel and stop following me. Sound like you are a perfect viewer for another station. Have a beautiful day/night. A female viewer commented on her instagram Gkphilips14 said maybe you should be her agent & find her some modeling jobs than liberte was rude and replied naw. But it sounds like you should stop following me. Have a great night. a male viewer: CarlosR1165821 said: lately @libertechan looks more like she cares more about walking the runaway than actually weather. Liberte's rude reply Nope, just getting out of the way the numbers. Have a great day. This was on the KTLAWeekendam instagram page Here is what a KTLA female viewer named Jennifernelson4463: that watches the KTLA Morning news weekend edition said on instagram about liberte's short white dress: Libby you need to a dress not a shirt. Starting to look like KTLA Weekend has a skank for Weather lady. Love the rest of you weekend Half the time. ON the KTLAweekendam facebook page Rob't Coltrin As usual, she’s standing in front of information (good thing I don’t care about Thursday!) The other meteorologists have figured out how to stay way off to the side or out of frame during these shots (most of the time). Someday she’ll learn... Micheal Hoffman Perfect example of the “Liberte lean” from the ktlaweekendam facebookpage- Mark Anthony I'm not impressed at the least.and your Executive producers reply: Mark Anthony ouch. From a older lady viewer on her instagram becky: said WTF you think your cool? Ellen West Gabriela C Loza Dayna is a joy. Liberte is a self centered annoying person- my opinion... I'm not the enemy! People on FB are rude just because someone has an opinion. I will not be watching this show.
Ellen West I'm tired of Liberte Chan.Gabriela Vargas Deuschle
So Ellen West expresses her opinion and that's rude, but if she gave her props and acted all phony and said how much she loves her, that would have been OK and acceptable?? You guys are so FAKE! I'm pretty sure you guys have expressed dislike for other… See More.Cynthia Olivo
Ellen West I know what you mean she started out sweet, reserved and likeable but now she just try's to steal the thunder from the others. Little more conceded. Not my fav anymore.Christina Estrella
Janet Jarvis Oliver someone's a bit jealous!! Stop being such a hater!
Janet Jarvis OliverChristina Estrella I dont hate anyone. I dislike people who are fake and self absorbed. Christina Estrella
Janet Jarvis Oliver is her life really affecting your everyday life? Im sure it's not. But for you to take the time to post a negative comment, shows you're a hater. Sue Edgington Janet Jarvis Oliver she our girl and very proud xoco. Yolanda Guzman Janet Jarvis Oliver I Agree ...but I guess honesty offends some people... Greg Wellock Janet Jarvis Oliver why the sour grapes?Melody Beville Janet Jarvis Oliver OH I agree with you,its all about her Yoga and her Vegan. Christopher Leon Medina JanetJarvis OliverGreg Wellock Janet Jarvis Oliver then why do you like yourself?You appear to be all these things! Greg Wellock Melody Beville grow up Melody, when you talk you talk about yourself.Janet Jarvis Oliver Dave Lowe lol I said she is pretty so how am I jealous? Just dont think she needs to have her head swollen .Cynde Kerr Brown All she does is pose. I can't stand her and had to quit watching channel 5. Watching her always looking at herself on camera...BIMBO.Christina Estrella
Cynde Kerr Brown do you feel good about yourself for trying to put someone down? How pathetic is that?! Just scroll past this post if u don't like it.Greg Wellock Cynde Kerr Brown then why are you following here?How much are trolls getting paid these days? Greg Wellock
Cynde Kerr Brown Bimbo is a bakery from Mexico.
· Cynde Kerr Brown Well...ouch.

A Female viewer on KTLAweekendam facebook page along with me as well as other female viewers Jana Scott
Won't watch. So tired of MT and her USC Sorority girl RBF. Reply ·
Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.
(Me)I agree with you I won't be watching either. my mom says this show is dumb and my dad says the samething. As much as I love and adore dayna I won't be watching this show. If anyone else tries to attack me it's jmo. #truthhurtswannnabandid #imnotmeanim… See More
Darlene Nevel Michener (Me) -agree, why is Tellas the golden girl of KTLA news all of a sudden, annoying! (Me)- Darlene Nevel Michener exactly I can't stand her.THIS a Male Viewer that said this on Liberte's instagram Photo: BLazeBlazerr Don't get too excited, The boring show will be CANCELLED SOON!!!! (Laughing emoji) HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR YOURSELF, DO NOT CALL HIM "THE MAN'' what you is slave worker???? WTF DIDN'T YOUR UNFIT MOTHER TEACH YOU ANYTHING???? YOU INSINUATING HE IS SUPERIOR TO YOU!!!!! SMH FEMALES LIKE YOURSELF SET THE ME TOO MOVEMENT BACK!!!! BUILT LIKE A PENCIL (emoji) No Curves. (Laughing emoji). From the KTLA weekend AM Facebook page Paul M. Papp Who cares? I can't stand Megan Tillis her voice is so grading I have to mute her. She has ruined the weekend show for us since the powers that be at the station force her on us over field reporters who have been at the station longer.From her official public facebook page viewers DO NOT Like this DUMB/dull boring LA's unscripted:
David Zayani
was excited to watch the show tonite but a bit let down .. I think Dayna needs to tone it down a notch or two and adopt a more professional approach. I can see myself not tuning in as she may get a little annoying over time. Good luck with it!
Robert Acosta
David Zayani I agree she is acting like its about her only not interested in watching. Sugano Svetlana
....Our sentiments exactly. She is over the top and much too obtuse at times for us to appreciate her. Trying too hard, you're Out.You need your own show Libs! sorry but listening to Dayna is like watching a 12 yr old trying to act like an adult. 'omg', over the top. Major turn off. Good luck. Retobert Acosta Jim Flores agree.Ryan Marquardt
I would like to see more of L.A. on the show... most of the show it seemed like you guys were inside someone's house, then in someone else's backyard... would be cool to hit up some lesser-known L.A. spots (although, the current pandemic limits your option)Gidget Flowers
UGH!! Bring back the full hour of Two and A Half men......please!!!
Sugano Svetlana
.....Absolutely. Two & a Half Men is a brilliant Comedic show. It's a staple at our place.
Christinawilson3007 I think las unscripted is bringing ktla down. Megan, liberte dayne, are acting so ridiculously stupid. This show needs to go!!!!! This show is the most trashy/clown embarrassing show ever. It needs to be cancelled and taken off air. BRING BACK two and half men for its full hour. I'd rather also watch Jessica holmes california cooking for an hour . It's the most dumbest show ever. What the F**** were you thinking? bringing this trashy/clown show to prime time.

The hosts are so immature and act like they're teenagers. It's beyond annoying and I can barely sit through half an episode.

Not be so dumb and child-like. The hosts look like they're all tipsy and doing stupid drunken stuff.

This also goes for the media as well as others- They cannot sue or search for this anonymous petitioner on social media or e-mail the petitioner. This petitioner wants to be left alone.. They cannot repeal this petition to get any higher court period.* They cannot show reruns of this trashiest clown of a prime time tv show.

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