Cancel The Form Change at Stratford High!
In 2011, The form system will change from Horizontal, to Virtical at around the May half term. This is caused a large amount of Upset and anger among students and hasnt been thought out very well atall. What they dont realise is among the good that will come from it, such as mixing age ranges to create a more connected students, there is far worse things to come from it, and here are a mere few. Year 7's When you join a brand new school, especially at the sheer size of SHS, there is allot of fear among new students just from being a a form with new peers and having to move around for each lesson. Once that is overcome you tend to make friends with those in your form, and stick with them throughout you High School years. This will now be removed almost entirely due to the lack of students in the same position as them. As well as that, when you are a new student at shs, you are much much much smaller than students in year 10 and 11 for example. This will cause alot of fear to the new students making there time at SHS not as good as it could possibly be, this may then lead to being off task and distracted. Another problem with the form change is probably the biggest problem, The Year 10s and there exams. The form change is in May half term, which is extreamly close to the June exams that most year 10's will be undergoing. This is adding extra pressure to Year 10's which is completely unnecessary. When your undergoing this many exams at once, you want to be among your friends to talk about problems and difficulties. By splitting up the forms this will be reduced adding a very big amount of pressure to the students which may possibly affect there end results. I hope you agree with me and sign the petition below, and If anyone wishes to contact me please message "Drew McMillan" on facebook.