Danny Vo 0

Show the love to President Donald J. Trump

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Danny Vo 0 Comments
44 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear Fellows:

Even if Biden wins, more than 40% of voters – in the region of 60 million people – will back Trump. They will do so for myriad reasons, but what many share is an even stronger determination than four years ago to support their man. For every criticism of Trump, there is a counter. If he implicitly endorses the white nationalist Proud Boys what about the Democrats’ support for Black Lives Matter? If he calls military men suckers, what about Biden’s failure to support the police? And where they do see a problem, they chalk it up to his inexperience, as a politician who came from outside the system.

Mr. Donald J. Trump is a great man, remark and staying forever in our hearts.

Thank you so much for your love.

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