Mandatory drug testing of all government officals!

This petition is in response to the latest Supreme Court decision on school student drug testing. The Supreme Court had concluded that it is more important that a school ensures it is drug-free than it is for the student to be ensured of thier own privacy. Following this same logic, I feel as many of you must, that it is fundementally more important that our offials, who pass legislation on the citizens, also be drug-free. This petition, if it does become law should incorperate the following ideals: 1. Mandatory random drug testing for all federal employees, to include elected and appointed officals. 2. The afore stated persons shall all be tested atleast quarterly. 3. The proceedure used will be in accordance with that used by the US Military. 4. The results of all testing of upper level managers and officals shall be made public. 5. Failure to take, pass, or perform these test within stated guide lines will result in criminal prosecution. At the conclusion of the signature gathering phase of this petition, 7/1/2003, it shall be submitted to both Rep. Senator Rick Santorum and Dem. Congressman Kanjorski, both of Pennsylvania. At that time it will be asked that both of these gentlemen perform the peoples work and move to put this into bill form and submit it to each of thier respective houses of Congress.